91: Promise

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Luffy POV

I cough out water, "Straw Hat!" The polar bear says, "Where's my one-san?" I ask. I feel someone petting my head, "I'm right here, Lu." Lil says, I look at her. She had bandages around her waist, I think this is one of the rare times I've seen her injured.

"Are you okay?" I ask, "I hit the water hard, it's more sore than anything." She says, "Why?" I ask. "I made a promise to mom that I would protect you no matter what. Mom gave me my black katana." Lil explains.

"How did Mom die?" I ask, Traffy's crew leaves us alone, Lil froze while petting my hair. I look at her, I've seen that look before, when Ace was dying. Lil's lip starts to quiver, and she grabs her head, I frown.

"Lil, are you okay?" I ask, my voice seems to snap her out of it, I look at her in concern. "J-Just l-like A-Ace..." She stutters, our mom died the same way Ace did, "She was protecting us." Lil says. Just like Ace was protecting me...

I hug her, she just leans into me, I don't think I've ever seen her break down before. "I'm worried about Sabo." Lil says, I guess that she sensed my confusion, "I don't know why, but something is off." She says.

"I hope to dear god that I don't loose another little brother.." Lil whispers, "I don't want to loose Sabo after we just got him back." I say, "I don't want too either." Lil says. "Gihgihgihgihgihgi." I hear, "Shishishishishishishi." I laugh.

"Can you use the advanced forms of each haki?" I ask, Lil sits up, "Yeah, I can." Lil says. "Rayleigh taught me them when he was training you, I learned it in 10 months." She says, I stare at her in awe.

"I made a promise to keep you safe no matter what to Mom, I intend to keep it." Lily says, I look up at her, "You can't die! That's an order from your captain!" I say. Lil smiles, "Trust me, I don't intend to die before you become King of the Pirates." Lil says.

"Do you have a dream?" I ask, my big sister looks at me, "Not really, but I guess it would be to see you become the king. I honestly just want to protect you, I enjoy going on the adventures with everyone." She says.

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