66: She Died... (Alternate Version Of Sabo Getting The News)

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~Third Person POV~ (Cue that sad music)

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~Third Person POV~ (Cue that sad music)

Flowers littered the two graves.


Whitebeard's grave stone had is famous cape and his bisento. On Lily's grave was her famous twin katanas. The Whitebeard pirates were there(Not Ace) and Shanks. 

~Somewhere else~ Sabo POV

Koala & I where coming back from a mission. We arrive back at Baltigo. They were some newspapers on the counter. I grab one and look at it. Whitebeard died ok, and...


~Flashback #1~ ( ___ = Ace, _____ = Luffy)

"I'm gonna help _____ become pirate king!" Lily said

~Flashback ends~

~Flashback #2~

"Bye Sabo! Stay safe!" Lily called to me.

~Flashback ends~

I slam my hand down on the table while some of my tears land on the picture of Lily. No she can't be dead. My big sister...

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