25: Help From Hancock

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Lily POV

'I finally remember you guys' A voice says, Sabo's 

I smile. I fall asleep on Zoro who is asleep also.

Nami POV

"They're so cute together!" I squeal. Everyone else nods.

Lily POV

~Time Skip to Dessora~

I see a man in a hat, I recognize that hat. I tap Sabo's shoulder. He turns and sees me.

Sabo POV

I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn and see a girl with dark brown hair and moss green eyes. Lily...

"Hello Sabo." She says. "Hi Lily!" I said. "You remember?" She asks while siting down. I nod. She looks over at me and Koala. She raises a eyebrow, "You two dating?" She asks. "No." I say with blush on my cheeks. 'Although I do like her.' I think. "Oh?" She says. 'Did she hear what I thought?' I think. "Yes." Lily said. "You can read minds?!" I ask shocked. "Well you could say that." She says. Just then her head snaps up, "Ace's devil fruit." She says.

Lily POV

I grab Sabo's hand and start to run to the Colosseum.

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