Chapter 3

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                    -Later During The Day-
"Mike! Mike, wake up!" Helpy yelled urgently, shaking me slightly. "W- What...?" I said, waking up confused. "Mike, the police are outside." He said concerned. "W- Wait, the police!?" I said as I jumped up from the couch, forgetting about my wound. "Ow..." I groaned. I realized Henry had been sleeping next to me on the couch.

"Henry, Henry!" I yelled and shaked him, mimicking Helpy's previous actions. "Hm..." Henry groaned as he slowly woke up. "Henry, the police are here. I think they want to talk to me about the fire." I said urgently as I heard a knock on the door. "Wait, they're here already?" Henry asked as I ran up to the door.

"Sorry for taking so long officers." I said apologetically as I opened the door and greeted them. "Good afternoon sir, I'm Officer _____ and this is my partner Officer _____." One of the officers said as he held a notepad in his hand and stepped back so I could stand on the front porch with them.

"We're here to ask you some questions about the fire that took place at Fazbear Frights around 6:00am today. We believe you work the nightshift there, correct?" The officer asked as he clicked his pen. "Yes, that's correct." I replied clearly.
"Michael, I'm going to the pharmacy to buy you some pain killers!" Henry yelled as he turned the knob of the front door. "Okay Henry!" I said loud enough for him to hear me. Then I heard the door close. "Mike." Helpy said, trying to grab my attention. "You should be resting. You shouldn't even be walking around right now." He says.

"Alright Helpy. How about we go to the living room and watch a movie?" I asked in a playful tone. Helpy's eyes lit up. "Yay, a movie!" He said excitedly. I chuckled as I picked him up from the kitchen counter and walked over to the living room. I placed Helpy down on the couch and sat next to him. I grabbed the remote and started flicking through different movies.

I continued scrolling until I eventually found one that looked interesting. I let it play out for a while and enjoyed the time I had to relax. Before I realized it, the movie was over. I was going to ask Helpy if he wanted to watch another movie until I realized he fell asleep on me. I looked at the clock on the wall next to the TV and saw it read "4:35pm".

He's been gone for two hours? I was getting concerned. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and dialed Henry's number. "Come on, pick up, pick up..." I whispered anxiously. I heard Henry's voice on the phone. "Henry!" I said until I realized- "Hey, this is Henry Emily, please leave a message after the beep." It was his pre-recorded message that was playing...

I hung up the phone and tried to call him another time. He still didn't respond. I messaged him asking "Henry, are you coming back home yet?" I waited five minutes, but there was no reply. I couldn't move because Helpy was on top of me. I just hope Henry is okay...

"Maybe I should calm down by watching another movie...?" I said, trying to reassure myself that Henry was fine. After finishing yet another movie, Henry was still nowhere to be found. At this point, I was beyond concerned. I gently moved Helpy and got up cautiously as to not wake him up.

I opened the front door and walked onto the front porch. I looked at both ends of the street but there was no sign of Henry or his car. Should I call the police or just wait? Or maybe I should head to the pharmacy that Henry went to. I grabbed my sweater and keys and wrote Helpy a note. I then left the house and started walking.

Luckily the pharmacy is only a few blocks away. I should get there in no time. As I take my time and walk over there, I enjoy the scenery. It's not often that I go outside. And even when I do, it's usually just to run some errands so I don't get to enjoy nature as much. After approximately ten minutes or so of walking, I see the pharmacy up ahead.

I start to sprint over to it. I could see Henry's car in the parking lot. Maybe he was inside? I started to feel relieved as I ran over to it. As I make it over, I look into the car window, only to see that it was empty. There was no sign of Henry still... Was he still inside? What has he been doing in there for almost four hours?

I rush inside of the pharmacy and start frantically looking in each isle. After no avail, I walk up to the cashier and gave a description of Henry. "He left around 3pm today sir." They said with a concerned tone. "Thank you." I said as I ran out of the pharmacy and back into the parking lot.

"If he left the pharmacy then where did he go...?" I asked myself. I looked around the area for clues. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary until I found a dried blood trail. "Oh no..." I whispered to myself, hoping this wasn't Henry's blood.

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