"the sweetest angel"

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If it was up to Adam, he'd never leave the house again. 

"You have to teach me how to cook or I'm gonna be screwed when I move out," He told Rowan one morning.

"I thought we were gonna be friends in 30 years," Rowan replied, her gaze never leaving the screen in front of them.

"We are. But you aren't going to be making me breakfast every day until 2022."

"Okay, fine. I promise to teach you how to cook," She agreed, holding her pinky out for him to take. 

"What first?" He asked, eager to begin.

"Oh, we're starting now?"

"Well we don't have all day," Adam declared, pulling her up from the couch and leading her back to the kitchen.

Rowan started off easy -- A box of mac and cheese -- the directions on the box and everything. Simple right? Wrong. 

"Adam, no! You have to wait for the water to boil," Rowan groaned.

"The box didn't say that!' He protested.

"It's common sense."

He tilted his head back. "This is so hard," Adam complained.

"It's really not."

"About tonight," Rowan started, a half frosted cookie in her hand. "The game, I mean. How do you think it's going to go?"

"Eh, I don't know. Besides getting to play, probably bad," Adam predicted.

"Why would it go bad?"

"Rowan, they all hate me."

"Not all of them," She told him. "I asked Charlie to help you meet the team."

"You didn't have to do that," He stated.

"Yes, I did," Rowan said. "I couldn't let you go in there completely alone and let them tear you to shreds, not knowing if one of them would have your back."

He put his cookie down and took hers out of her hand. He grabbed her fingers within his own and slightly shook them as he spoke. "You're the sweetest angel. You know that right?"

Rowan blushed like crazy. She looked away from his face to let the tint leave her cheeks. She felt her head being turned back to him. With his finger under her chin, his eyes flickered down to her lips for just a second. For the first time, he noticed how soft they looked, the light pink color contrasted her green eyes. Right at that moment, Amy Pierce walked into the kitchen. 

"Hey kids, you made cookies? Yum!" She smiled, grabbing one and heading off just as quickly as she came. 

"We should probably get ready for the game," Rowan suggested after a moment of silence.

"Yeah, that's a good idea."

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