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"Long time, no see," Adam Banks beamed, coming face to face with his childhood best friends. 

It had been years since their last reunion -- even longer since any of them had laced up a pair of skates. Just about 30 years after the first time they met -- 2022.

Adam was 43, tall, and lankier now. His strength weakened slightly after retiring from the NHL. His jawline was bumpy with stubble and his forehead slowly wrinkled with age. But his eyes remained the same light blue, still creasing when he smiled. 

He clutched onto his wife's left hand, grinning as he glanced towards her. Her hair was a chestnut brown but glistened under the restaurant lights -- a reminder of what it once was.

"Sure has," Les Averman agreed as the couple approached the large table. "Cake Eater."

After all these years, he still wore the same glasses that had been too large for his face. He was a striking image of the kid he was back in the 90s -- almost nothing had changed. 

"I haven't had cake in 25 years," Adam claimed.

"Oh, that's not true," His wife laughed, giving his hand a tight squeeze.

"Hasn't been long for us," A woman interjected, her husband and his ruffled blonde hair by her side. "The kids just hung out...what? 2 days ago?"

"Right," Les sighed. "I forgot you guys grew up. Sometimes, I think we're still in the game listening to the two of you bicker."

Connie looked to the man she had married, Guy Germaine, and laughed. "Yes, Les. We have 3 kids now."

"You should know that, though," Adam Banks chuckled, placing his hand on Les' shoulder. "Considering you are the Godfather."

Lester Averman nodded his head, the same goofy grin plastered on his face. "It's easy to forget those buggers."

"He's lying," Kenny Wu stated, running his fingers through the long hair he tied into a bun. "He never stops talking about them."

"You and your jokes, Averman," The woman beside Adam said -- her dimples present as usual. 

"Rowan Banks."

She smiled at the sound of her name, pulling Les and Ken into hugs. "This reunion has been so long overdue."

"Where is everyone else?" Adam questioned, his eyes skimming over the small group that had formed in the pizza place.

"Not coming," A voice declared.

They turned. His enforcer days were so far in the past, but he acted as if he were still in his prime. The man picked up Ken Wu -- forgetting he wasn't the same small boy. "Little Bash Brother!"

"It's good to see you, Fulton," Guy Germaine greeted. "But what do you mean 'not coming'?"

"I don't know," Fulton Reed shrugged. "They have their own busy lives now. Guess it's not as easy as calling a street puck game anymore, huh?"

"Guess so."

"But," Fulton breathed, his voice lightning with excitement. "I got the big guns to come!"


"Come on, you guys remember the big guns."

The group looked at each other, amazed at how much has slipped their minds over the past few years.

"Anyone know where I can find District 5?"

Their heads turned at the voice of Gordon Bombay, surprised and excited looks spreading across each face. 

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