"forever and always, my girl"

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"Let's go, Get over here!" Ted Orion's voice boomed and echoed throughout the garbage-infested rink. "You guys are not skating like warriors."

The ducks shared looks of annoyance -- Guy silently asking Adam: How can we skate anymore warrior-like, we haven't stopped practicing in days. Adam shrugged, not knowing the answer himself. 

"You look like something else," He continued, reaching for a large cardboard box that sat next to his hip "You look like Ducks." 

Grins returned to their faces at the sight of their beloved uniforms. The pale white with stripes of a teal blue and dark purple, proudly showing off the logo of the duck. Immediately, they all rushed over to the box, searching for each of their own. 

Adam Banks pulled out his #99 jersey from the very bottom of the box. He smiled lightly at the memories that were attached to the last time he had worn the uniform -- missing the happiness they brought him. 

"You ready to play a little Ducks hockey?" Charlie asked as he nudged the boy's shoulder, snapping him from his previous trance.

"Beyond ready," Adam replied. 

"It's the return of the Quack-Attack!" Averman cheered as he joined the two. "Return of the Flying V! Return of the Bash Br-"

"Too soon," Fulton interrupted. 

"Right, sorry, sir." 

"Lighten up, Fulton. The Bash Bros never ended," Charlie spoke, a tiny yet smug smile tugging on his face as if he knew something the rest didn't. 

"Quack, Quack, Quack!"

The rain poured all day. It nearly flooded the streets as it splattered on roofs and mailboxes. It tapped on Rowan Pierce's window and slowly dripped down, creating a small puddle at the bottom of the glass, her window was cracked ever so slightly. 

She delicately held a book in her hands, careful not to bend or break the spine as she flipped pages. Her eyebrows furrowed in focus as her eyes jumped from word to word. In moments like these, almost nothing could distract her concentration. Almost nothing. 

The sound of rain hitting her window grew louder until it no longer sounded like water. It morphed into small pebbles colliding with the glass -- screaming for her attention. Reluctantly, Rowan placed her bookmark in its rightful spot and walked over to close the window, attempting to drown the repetitive noise out. 

But something else caught her view -- a blonde boy, his hair drenched and clothes sticking to his body as he stood directly outside her window, tiny rocks in hand. Adam Banks showed off his perfect smile as he realized he'd finally grabbed her gaze. "Hi."

"What are you doing?"

He shrugged.

"You know you're going to get sick, right?"

He shrugged again. 

She rolled her eyes and shut her window, disappearing.

Minutes later she reappeared, this time next to him in the downpour with her dark gray raincoat and a towel. 

"This isn't going to be much help," Rowan muttered, handing him the dampening cloth. 

He tried to suppress the grin that threatened to spill out at the sight of her hair beginning to soak and curl.

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