"I guess I should start with I'm sorry"

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4 days had passed, time went by slower than it ever had. The clocks ticked louder. The air was colder. The browning leaves began to fall and crumble at the simple touch. The town seemed smaller. It's crazy how 5 minutes can change everything. Rowan laid on her side, staring blankly at the gray wall that faced her, baring the distant sound of her mom vacuuming the first floor. She hardly even noticed when her door began to vibrate with aggressive knocks.

"Ok, you're in the same spot from when I left last night." Alex Larson sighed as he observed her lifeless appearance.

"No, I'm not. I got up for cereal this morning." She denied.

"It's been half a week, have you even showered?"

"Alexander, go away," Rowan complained, quickly chucking a pillow at his chest.

"No, I was thinking about staying a while," said Alex as he blocked the flying object.

"Where's Brendan?"


"Lucky him." She muttered.

"I think you've maxed out on sleep, considering you haven't left the bed in days."

"Can you leave me alone?" Another pillow soared through the air towards him, followed by 3 more.

"Okay, Okay! Rowan, I get it. You're very mad at me and the pillows!" Alex yelled, swatting away as many as he could. "God, how many pillows do you have?"

The eternity of hitting finally ended. "You've calmed."

"I ran out." She huffed, sitting up and crossing her legs to face him entirely.

They both turned at the sound of her door creeping open, Brendan McGill cautiously entering the room. "What the hell happened in here?"

"Rowan decided she wanted to play dodge ball," Alex answered.

"He sucks at dodging." She weakly smiled as the two boys found seats next to her.

"How are you doing?" Brendan asked.

"Not good."

"I'm sorry, I know you miss him." He softly replied, placing his hand on hers.

"I'm such an idiot. I shouldn't have gone out there. I shouldn't have pushed him to talk. I knew he was upset and I still did. Oh, this is all my fault! If I had just let him cool down, maybe none of this would have happened. I shouldn't have yelled. I should've just left when he told me to. Why did I do this?"

"Rowan, stop. You did the right thing. This isn't your fault."

"Yes, it is!"

"You had every right to be upset just like he did," Alex interrupted "Just give it some more time to heal. I think he'll come around."

"Have either of you talked to him?" She hopefully asked.


"You guys can. I don't want you to think that you have to choose a side or anything."

"Trust me, there are no sides."

"And if there were, we'd be on yours," Brendan whispered, nudging her shoulder as a small smile broke out on her face.

"There are many sides to this breakup," Les Averman announced as he paced around Guy Germaine's living room. "And we, my friends, are going to do everything in our power to remain sideless."

Connie nodded in agreement, looking at her confused teammates.

"And how exactly are we to do that?" Dwayne asked.

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