"so it is true, you do like adam banks?"

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Adam's arms stayed wrapped around her throughout the night. He smiled as he felt her breath blow onto his skin. Not a single thing could ruin this moment for him -- until he heard the click of a polaroid camera. After the flash lit the room for a split second, he heard small giggles from McGill and Larson. Adam opened his eyes to see the two standing over them, now holding a white film photo, waiting for it to develop.

"Oh, hey, Adam..." Larson greeted, trailing off as he received a deadly glare.

"Larson and I were just um, taking selfies on here. You know, as friends do,"  McGill nervously lied.

"You guys are insane. I mean, who takes pictures of people while they sleep?" Adam whisper-shouted.

"Okay, we are not insane. We just needed to capture this monumental moment," Larson defended.

"Whispering only! You'll wake her up," Adam quietly said.

"Too late," McGill stated, her eyes slowly opening and moving around.

She sat up and looked around the room, clearly trying to regain memory of where she was. Her gaze fell on McGill and Larson as she brushed the hair out of her face. "Ew, it's you two."

"Always a pleasure to see you, Rowan."

"Someone's not a morning person," Larson mumbled as they began to slump up the stairs.

"What are we doing today?"

The four walked into the kitchen where Rowan heavily protested allowing the boys to help make breakfast. "No, you'll burn the house down!"

"Oh, come on! No, we won't," McGill denied. 

"You can't read," She started, stating each of their weaknesses. "You can't count. And you can't measure. It's not happening. Now, what does everyone want?"



"Can you make waffles?"

"Oh, I wish I could but I don't want to." 

"Why'd you even ask then?"McGill rhetorically questioned.

About 20 minutes later, hot pancakes sat on the table in front of them. 

"No one answered my question from earlier. What are we going to do today?" Adam asked, watching Larson shovel a few pieces down his throat.

"Oh, I got an idea!" He started.

"That's a first," Rowan cut him off, Larson giving her a sharp glare.

"You truly are such a joy to the world, Ms. Pierce, you know that?" 

She opened her mouth to throw an insult back but was stopped by Adam. "It's too early for this. Larson, what was your idea?"

"We go to the store."

"That's pathetic."

"Oh, so you got a better idea?"

"Yes, actually, I do." 

As the two continued to argue, Adam walked over to the medicine cabinet and shook out two ibuprofens from the bottle. "You want some?"

"Yeah," McGill sighed, taking it from Adam.

"Okay, so propose your brilliant idea!" 

"We skate around town. You happy with that, Larson?" 

"That is a-" He went to retort.

"Great idea! Let's go," Adam interrupted, dragging them out into the Minnesota streets. 

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