Chapter 17 - Ra-Ra-Rasputin

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For those that do not know, the character we know as "Tatenashi Sarashiki" is really named Katana Sarashiki. Tatenashi is simply the name adopted by the current matriarch of the Sarashiki clan. That should avoid a lot of confusion while reading this chapter.

Also, I know I'm not nailing the backgrounds of characters and am especially changing the exact background of clan Sarashiki, but I am keeping the integrity of the characters. This is based on the anime, and in the anime there is really only a miniscule amount of background for most of "the girls." So the only background I have is that, a little from the Wiki, and some from friends.



[Text] - The Game.

"Text" - Dialogue.

Text - Thinking.

"Text" - SIS talking telepathically to Ichika.

Text - Sounds/Emphasis





Whirring of wind created a cacophony of noise, above which nothing could be heard. The bitter cold sucking out warmth from every unknown crevasse. Untold millions of snowflakes dissenting like bullets onto the already covered ground.

A blizzard, and a bad one at that.

Ichika grunted in annoyance, once again dislodging his entire calf from the deep snow.

Japan almost always had some snow in it's mountains, and every once in a while there would be some snowfall in the cities, but never enough to actually play with. Ichika had always wanted to build a snowman and have a good old fashioned snowball fight with Chifuyu, not that she would have even if there was enough snow. However, it had now been almost a week since he and Natasha had begun the deep trek into the Russian mountains, and his hatred for snow grew with every cold, shaking breath.

"H-h-hey I-I-Ichika, I k-know y-you w-want t-to g-g-get to wh-wherever, but I'm ex-exhaus-ted." Natasha said through rattling teeth.

Even with large winter coats, it seemed the Russian cold was not to be underestimated. What she said was true, as the days dragged on his desire to get to their destination only increased, unfortunately it seemed as though his partner's persistence was waning.

*sigh* He glanced back at his companion. "Only a little further, Nat, I promise. The map Tabane-nee gave me says we are almost there. If it takes more than five more minutes, we will set camp for the night."

"T-thatss w-what you s-said f-five m-minutes ag-go."

"We were almost there five minutes ago." He defended. "Now we're just, almost almost there."

"Th-that d-doesn't even m-make s-sense."

Even though she complained, the fact that she followed him so far just to do her job earned his respect. A complaint here and a little pessimism there was well worth it for a woman of her grit.

He saw a light briefly pierce through the darkness of the night sky and heavy snow, merely a twinkle, but it was enough for his hopes to skyrocket.

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