Chapter 12 - Flight of the Phoenix

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A/N: I'll be honest this was going to be a Halloween one but I decided to introduce the next mini-arc instead. Enjoy.


[.....] Text from The Game.

"...." Talking.

'....' Thinking.

"...." SIS talking telepathically to Ichika.



Flight of the Phoenix


"...a...minor favor?" Ichika spoke at a normal volume, but as his words ricocheted off of the large hallways of the hidden laboratory, it felt like a million versions of him were all bombarding Tabane with the question at once.

The clicking of shoes against the floor stopped as they both grinded to a halt. A large contraption unfolded itself from the floor, creating a chair, which Tabane promptly sat on, the gears of the chair whirled as it turned to face Ichika.

Tabane's face morphed into a mixture of smugness and mischievousness.

"I....ah.... actually only said that to get you out of the house.....hehe....Chifuyu wouldn't let you go with me if it was anything else..."

With a slightly raised eyebrow he looked at her in minor annoyance. "Then you should know that she will be even more upset if she finds out you lied."

"Ahhh, details." She waved away the question. "I'm more concerned about the present than the future, so much more entertaining, isn't it?"

"Mmm. You were saying?"

"Oh. I need a favor. Can you do it?" She gave him a wide smile.

"What is it, before I agree to it." Ichika pushed.

"Uh, hehe. I have.... a problem.... okay maybe not a problem per say.... I'm not a people person-" "Couldn't tell." "-and because of that, I am.... less than good at business."

"Please just skip to the point, Tabane-nee. Business is ever so dull..."

"You remember when I told you I would be busy for an entire month?" He nodded.

"Well this-" She turned her chair and brought up a few tabs into one of the massive monitors of her supercomputer. "-is what I was working on."

His eyes widened. If he was honest he couldn't understand much of it, but it was without a doubt blueprints of an IS. It looked far different from anything he had seen before, or anything Tabane had talked about to him when they spent time together.

"Is-" "Yeah. It took me an entire month and then some. I slept three times and I'm pretty sure I drank enough caffeine to kill an elephant, but I got it done. The base design for the third generation IS....beautiful.... isn't it?" She turned and looked at him, seemingly disappointed that he wasn't overreacting.

"Can it make stuff go BOOM?" He grinned.

"Hell yeah, it can make stuff go boom." She matched his grin.

"Then I love it." He looked back to the monitors and stepped towards them for a closer look, inspecting the design of the third generation frame.

" said business... are you going to sell the designs?"

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