Chapter 20 - The Third Mondo Grosso

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A/N: I'm back from vacation and have fixed the issues with the last chapter. I'll probably be uploading the fixed chapter as you read this. There were a couple of minor ones but all the [STATS] were completely out of whack, no idea how that happened but I fixed it. I think, hehe.

I got a lot of recommendations for magic use, my thanks for that. Magic should be soon, relatively speaking. I plan for it to be a rather major part of the fourth arc. Give his use of IS some time to shine first.

Got a lot of comments on the last chapter that I haven't read/responded to yet. I will get to them, but gotta finish this chapter first.

Oh and I don't know why the cover keeps disappearing. It should be the pic of Chifuyu running and little Ichika chasing her but it keeps going back to the "No Cover" cover. Idk.

But on to what we've all been waiting for, and this is a spicy one.



[Text] - The Game.

"Text" - Dialogue.

Text - Thinking.

"Text" - SIS talking telepathically to Ichika.

Text or Text - Sounds/Emphasis



The Third Mondo Grosso


Cheers erupted from the colossal stadium, over which no other form of sound could hope to be heard.

Massive didn't even come close to describing the size of the stadium. It's length and width made one side of the packed stands look like mere specs to the other. It's height towered over the surrounding buildings as it stretched into the sky.

The audience sat in rows upon rows of seats, which encircled the arena in the center of the stadium. Protected by ray shields from any stray attacks or debris, the fights could very easily and very quickly get up close and personal with the stands. Of course, the closer the fights got, and the more in danger the crowd seemed to be, the harder and harder they would cheer.

A set of IS whizzed by the crowd at speeds so fast they were merely a blur to the human eye, one amalgamation of color chasing another.

The blue that was being chased shot into the sky, leveling out to reveal an IS of sleek design. It was a second generation, clearly made to be a mix of long and close quarters combat. A decent amount of shielding of metal, adding extra defense beyond the IS Shield for CQC, but the frame was also thin enough for some serious speed to gain distance.

The pilot of the Swedish IS had dismissed the longsword she had been fighting with, opting instead to exchange it for a grenade launcher as she flew to the sky. Having turned the game of cat and mouse on its head, she leveled her weapon, mercilessly firing round after round at her unexpecting opponent.

Her opponent stopped her pursuit as she saw the Swedish pilot exchange weapons, but if it was too late, the grenades were already upon her, and her IS was sent crashing to the ground.

The crowd all stood in hushed silence as the dust from the crash settled. The pilot could be seen climbing out of a still smoking crater, her IS having been deactivated. As the screens around the arena flashed an image of the Swedish pilot with the title "Victor," in various languages, the crowd was split between roaring in celebration and hissing in defeat.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2021 ⏰

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