Chapter 11 - Casino Royale

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[.....] Text from The Game

"...." Someone speaking.

'....' Someone thinking, (generally Ichika talking telepathically to SIS)

"...." SIS talking telepathically to Ichika.



Casino Royale


[You have awoken well rested. All positive stats have been fully restored.]


[Happy Birthday Player One!]

[Gifts: ???, ???, and ???!]

After blinking away the tiredness from his eyes, Ichika read through the text with increasing interest. Checking his stats to look at his wallet, he had his priorities after all.




His hand jerked back slightly when the sound of party poppers broke the silence in his room as he was covered in confetti. As soon as the last shred of colored paper landed on the covers of his bed, three wrapped boxes of varying size appeared atop the desk beside his bed. Each gift was pristinely wrapped in gift paper, with perfect creases and seamless folds. A neat bow of corresponding size to the box, was placed in the center of each present.

Hopping out of bed, not taking the time to put clothes on nor bothering to go into his Wardrobe, he rushed to his desk with his hands hovering over the gifts.

"Which one first, Ichika?"

" my guest."

"...the largest one, then....people who wait "best for last" are scrubs."

"I wait best for last." Ichika defended.

"Just open it."

Never one to be wasteful, Ichika began slowly peeling off the tape of the wrapping paper, as streams of sunlight began to peek through the blinds of his bedroom.




"Oh, for fucks sake. Just open the damn thing!"

'Humph.' He scoffed inwardly, but yielded and began tearing the wrapping paper in handfuls, the second the torn shreds of paper landed to the floor, they turned into pixels, then vanished. He looked around, having not even noticed that all of the confetti had vanished as well.

Turning his attention back to the now open box, he looked in and could see a small birthday cake along with a piece of paper tucked inside the box next to the cake.

Slipping it out, he could tell it was a laminated piece of paper. Reading over the words it was clearly the recipe for the cake that was in the box, not that he needed to know how to bake a cake, but he still put the recipe into his inventory.

Putting aside the cake for now, Ichika moved onto the third largest box, tearing its wrapping to shred in seconds breaking the sealed box with his hands, he found it empty.

"What?" He said audibly after baking away and staring at the box with a raised eyebrow.

"Give it a second."

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