Chapter 6 - Where's the Blacksmith?!

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[.....] Text from The Game

"...." Someone speaking.

'....' Someone thinking, (generally Ichika talking telepathically to SIS)

"...." SIS talking telepathically to Ichika.



Where's the Blacksmith?!




Woosh. Ichika's wooden shinai whizzed through the air as he continued practicing. He stopped, panting as he drew breath into his lungs.

"You have improved, Ichika. Your training is paying off in dividends." SIS commented as Ichika took off his kendo helmet and looked to his left.

[Swordsmanship] - [Lvl: 10] - [Exp: 3450/10000]

[Description: You're ability to use Swords. Duh.]

[Rewards: +1 to STR, END, and AGI per level]

"Mmmm. Each level increases XP so much it makes it damn near impossible to level quickly. All I can do is grind." Ichika said dejectedly.

"You mean, like a normal person training?"

"Humpff...fine....enough training for now. I want to get a good place on the team once tryouts begin, but I can't do that when I'm dead tired."

+1 WIS for making the wise decision not to grind yourself into the dirt.

"Hmmm." Ichika looked around at the dojo around him, which was empty of any other practitioners. 'What to do now?' He questioned himself. 'Shop.'

Pop. Ichika disappeared from his middle school kendo dojo.

The building he blinked into existence in was made of large stone bricks, all of which looked cracked and worn. Swords, knives, and blades of all kinds hung around each wall, taking up every inch of space. He looked over lines and lines of all kinds of weaponry, armor, and shields.

In the left corner of the shop was a forge, which was lit. Instead of creating an uncomfortable amount of heat in the entire store, the lit forge only produced a gentle heat. In the right corner, across from the forge, was a series of tables, behind which was a disheveled man.

The man was exceptionally tall, looming far above Ichika's height. He wore a blacksmith apron in front of a blacksmith top. He wore heavy pants that would insulate from the heat and large boots. Ichika could see charcoal marks on his face and arms. The man's muscles were large enough that you could see his form through his shirt. Ichika was fairly sure he was Mexican or Spanish due to his name, but honestly he was always covered in so much dirt and grim it was hard to tell what his actual skin tone was.

"Hey, Ferr." Ichika said cheerfully. Ichika himself was wearing a set of kendo armor. The padding was very helpful protecting against the heavy wooden shinai, but it was incredibly hot. He had been practicing for almost three hours with only short breaks in between, and was covered in a thick layer of sweat.

"Hello, citizen! My name is Ferreres Marti-" "*sigh*.....okay" It's not that Ichika didn't like the NPC's, he just wished they were a little more life-like. Plus he had been into this store like a bajillion times and hearing the blacksmith introduce himself every time was getting old.

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