Chapter 8

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It's been days since the incident happen. Mew and Art is always lovely-dovely to each other. It is clear that Mew is totally wrapped around Art. He will do anything for him. On the another hand, guilt is killing Gulf. He can't even talk to them without thinking about that incident. He slowly started to avoid Art. He is still in the group but he is all alone. He tried to speak to Mild one day but the promise he made to Art was stopping him. He has been eyeing both for a sometime now, and nothing suspicious is found yet. So, he concluded that it was indeed a mistake. But the heart of him is not buying it. He can't spend a single day without not thing about it. He even tried to convince Art to tell Mew the truth.

" No Gulf, I will not. I can't lose him. He will get mad."

"yes, he will get mad, but he also loves you. I am sure he will understand."

" you don't know anything Gulf. Mew is so possessive of me. He doesn't even like when I talk to someone. If he knows about it, I don't know what will happen."

"but, we are lying to him. And I never see you guys fighting."

"We don't show it doesn't mean we don't fight. And you promised me Gulf. Are you going to betray your friend?"

Gulf doesn't want to betray Art. Art was there for him to listen to his problems. He always helped him. There was times when Gulf considered Art before Mild. He was in dilemma. So he choose to avoid him. Yes, from time to time Art and Mew visit Gulf' house. Sometimes it will be only Mew who will visit. And every time Mew visits, Gulf doesn't find courage to look straight into his eyes.

Mew's POV

Currently I am on my way to Gulf's home. Aunty, means Gulf's mom, has invited me for lunch. Yesterday me and Art had a big fight. I always drop him near his house and from there, it only takes hardly 5-7 mins to reach his house. I insist to drop him in front of there house, but he told me that his parents don't know about us. They are rich people. They want someone of their standard for their son. Art told me not to think abo0ut it. He told me he will tell about us to them very soon. I can't help but to feel insecure. Whenever I see him talking to someone, my insecurity raises. It is the reason why We had fights. I also confessed to Art about my insecurities. He told my I an thinking much. But how can I not? I just love him too much. It scares me if someday he left me, what will I do? Though we are also rich, but not as Art's family. My dad has been trying to spread his business and I promised myself that I will help him and will take the company to zenith that when I will ask Art for marriage, is parents couldn't say no to me. Obviously, I have not talk about my plans with Art. It will be a surprise for him. The only person who knows about my fights, my dreams and my plans is Aunty. I don't know when this happened. I am so comfortable with her that I can share everything with her. My mom also knows about Art, but she doesn't like him very much. She thinks he is hampering my studies, that my grades are lowing because of him. I some times find it funny when she fakes sulking, saying I am giving more time to Art than her. Ok, back to the point, when I told aunty about our fight through phone yesterday, she invited me to lunch. I know she has something to tell me.

When I reached Gulf's house, it is almost 11. As usual, Win and Gulf is bickering over something. Uncle is not at home. Today is off day. Maybe he has some emergency. Aunty opened the door and welcomed me. I can see Gulf is shocked. Did aunty not tell him that I am coming?


Gulf: " hey P'Mew, what a pleasant surprise! you didn't tell me you are visiting me."

Gulf's mom: I invited him for lunch. Mew, you take a seat, Win accompany him and Gulf, come to kitchen with me.

As Gulf came to kitchen after chit chatting with Mew a bit, he directly asked his mother, " why didn't you tell me P'Mew is coming?"

"Actually yesterday Mew called me. He and Art is having a fight. He sound really disturbing. So I called him here. You don't ask him anything now. Let us have lunch first."

"okay mom, Btw when you two become these close. I am friend with both, but I don't know anything. How come you know everything?"

" that's I am not going to tell you" said Gulf's mom winking him

They had lunch together with Gulf's father. It was a good day. They watched movies, played video game with lots of teasing here and there. Mew was having lots of fun. After sometime Win and Gulf's dad went to there respective room saying they have something to do. So, only Mew, Gulf and his mom was left . It was a good this to discuss his problems.

Gulf's mom: So Mew, you have something to tell us?

Gulf: yes, you didn't say anything to me.

Mew: Aunty didn't tell you? (to which Gulf's mom shake his head) okay, then let me tell you from the beginning. So...

Mew told them everything, from their talk on his birthday, his possessiveness, how Art blames him in at most every fights and so many thing. To the end, Mew started crying,

"I really don't know what to do. I admit I sometime may be too much, but he also does things. He also doesn't like when I talk to someone else. He needs all my attention, that is why I stopped meeting my friends. Whenever I meet them, he will come with me. But did I complain? No. Because I know when you love someone you seek attention. I only have one request, that is not too be over friendly with strangers. They can take it in a wrong way. But he says I am over thinking. I am taking his freedom. I really don't know what to do? I really love him. I think everything is my fault. I should apologise to him."

At this point, Mew was a crying mess. Gulf's mom was consoling him saying everything is gonna be alright. But there was Gulf, who was thinking very deeply. He was not liking the fact that Art was blaming him for everything. Gulf has seen this behaviour of Art. Art can be very friendly with someone whom he hardly knows. Gulf has also warn him. But he didn't change, and now he is blaming Mew saying Mew has taken his freedom.

" P'Mew, I have something to say. I am sorry that I didn't told you earlier, but











I have seen Art and San making out in a public wash room."


That's it for today.

So, Gulf has come clean. Will Mew accept his apology? Will Art and Mew break up?

Let's see what happen in the next chapter.

Till then, bye

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