Chapter 34

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Gulfs Pov head hurts...I cant open my eyes...aishhh its paining.. And why cant I move my hands? What happened? And then it hit me.... the car accident...Mew...and me getting unconscious. Where I am now? I tried to open my eyes. I can hear people talking. After few minutes I can finally open them. It is too bright. It is a hall. I can see few guards with guns and all. Mew???? There he is. He is just a few feet away from me but still unconscious. I tried calling him but no use. Now, what will we do??????

"hey baby finally woke up? How you feeling?"

James came. He took a chair and sit in front of Gulf with a smug on his face. He tried touching Gulfs face but Gulf moved his face and gave James an angry look. Gulf was tied in a chair with tap in his mouth.

"ohhh my bad..let me just take out this tap.." James harshly peals of the tap.

"does it hurt? You should have let me touch you..tach..."

"no..never...take that filthy hand away from me.."

"oh fiery...I like it rough.."

Saying so James again tried to touch him but Gulf moved as much as he could. But before he would touch him a aloud voice came from back.

"you bastard...where are you? You promised me not to harm Mew...what have I heard? You hit his car...where is he? Where is my Mew????"

Art came screaming.

"relax Art...don't forget whom you are talking to. One word and not a single hair of you will be found. So think before you speak. And there is you toy. Don't act like you really care."

"yeah...but I like his face and you know how much I am obsessed with my toys and sorry about earlier."
Art said touching Mews face with a sinister smile. Mew was still unconscious.

"don't touch him Art...I warn you.." Gulf said.

"tach should not say anything like that know I can be really jealous and trust me baby, you will not like it... "

James said taking a knife out and tracing Gulfs thigh.

"What you want? I dont really know you. Why are you doing this? Let us just go..I am sorry if I hurt you but I dont like you and will never like you......"

Before he could finish, Gulf felt a sudden pain on his thigh.

"just a small cut. But choose your words carefully baby...I don't want to hurt you. I tried and tried and finally I have you in my arms. I will never let you go. You will like me, you have to. You don't know the things I did and I will, just for you.."

"what???I never tell you to do anything for me. You know what, just tell me...tell me what you have done to get me. I want to hear how much you love crazy are you for me.. "

Gulf tried to provoke him to know the things. Though San told him but that was not all. So for once he wants to hear all.

"very well then... let me tell you how much I love you. Lets start from the very beginning. When I first saw you, I was actually eloping from the rehab centre and you saved me in the accident. Then I started to follow you. Then I know about your feeling for Mew. I was so angry baby. I was so angry that I killed the boy who was sending flowers to you, who was flirting with you. But for that I had to undercover and within that period you were gone. Again I saw you after 3 years in a bar. You didn't remember me. I was disappointed and it grew more when I knew you and Mew are couple. So I planned this all. Art, San and so on this drama. You know I also kidnapped Sans mom and bf. I also drugged Mew one time but he instead of fucking Art, went to you. You see Baby, I can kill, I can kidnap, I can drug , I can do everything just for you. I can provide you the things this Mew cant give you. So baby, just love me, okay????"

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