Chapter 30

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As planned, Mew and Gulf called their friends on the very next day. All reached their home at about 7 at night. Mild, Zee, Saint, Bright, Win, Boat all were their.

"So anyone want to tell why we are here so suddenly?" Mild asked.

"Actually, me and Mew want to share something with you guys..." Gulf looked at Mew as he said. Mew nodded, encouraging him to go on.

"As you know, San is back and doing a partnership with Mew, we went yesterday to the birthday party of James, COO of San's company. There....there we met...Art..."

"WHAT????????" All were shocked to hear that.

"yes right, we met Art." Mew said holding Gulf's hand. "James is his second cousin. "

"I don't believe this. First San, then within a month Art also came. Nonsense..." Mild said slipping his bear.

"I totally agreed with Mild. After all these years, both of them appeared again. Something surely is going on." Zee said agreeing with Mild.

"yes, we also think soo. So here you are all. " Mew said.

"So what we will do next?" Bright asked.

"I have a plan. But first let's observe them. What they are doing, where they are going, whom they met...etc etc. Since we already know they have some plans so we are already a step ahead of them. So let's wait for their moves." Gulf said thinking something.

"And do you think James is also involved? I mean, he is Art's cousin, maybe he is also helping them." Win asked.

"no...I don't think so..for the timing let's only observe Art and San, and if we feel involvement of James then we will see..." Gulf said after thinking hard.

"ummm" They agreed.

"okay let's move with this plan. So who will follow whom?" Saint asked.

"I am transferring Mild to San's company, since we are doing that project so we can send one person there. Are you okay with this Mild?" Mew asked.

"ya,,I am cool..There I can keep an eye on San.."

"yes...and me, Zee and Gulf can meet him if he has some outdoors meetings...So now what about Art?"

"Actually Me and Win can follow Art. We got the news that a new professor is joining our college and you know who is he...guess...yes, Art.." Saint said.

"yes...we can follow him." Win said agreeing with Saint.

"okay...everything is sorted now...let's move with it from tomorrow. " Gulf said raising his can of bear and they cheered.

Then they had random talks, had dinner . After that everyone left.

As planned, they followed San and Art everywhere. After a week they again met at Mew and Gulf's home to discuss the progress.

"So this San, maximum time he spent in his cabin. On evening he goes to City hospital to meet his mother. I have talked with the doctor and he confirmed that his mother had an heart attack almost one and half months ago and been in comma since. Then he comes back to his apartment. That's it. And within this week he had no outdoor meetings." Mild reported.

"umm...and what about Art?" Mew asked.

"Yes...nothing much. College to home or shopping. Then bar. Flirt with anyone. Got fucked everyday. That's it.. typical playboy rutin. But on Wednesday and Friday he went to outer part of city. To a farm house maybe. It is highly secured. Can't even seen from main road. I think he went there often since the security guard let him in without checking." Win said and Saint nodded.

"yes....Friday evening after meeting his mom San also went out of the city. " Mild said after thinking for sometime.

"So do we know whose house it is?" Gulf asked.

"Not now...I have asked one of my friend to look for it. He is a private investigator. He said he will look about it. He want two days. " Boat said.

"how ? when???" Mew asked.

"When Win was telling us. I messaged him and now he replied. " Boat said filling everyone's curiosity.















"And I don't think you have to wait for 2 days...It's James. The farm house is owned by James."











Everyone looked to the direction of voice. It was coming from the front door. There, SAN was standing. Wearing all black and covering his face with a cap. He hurriedly entered closing the door behind.

"San????What are you doing here? And how do you know the password of the door??" Mew asked getting shocked.

"I will tell everything and for the password, it's easy to guess....Gulf's birthday." San replied catching his breath. He was panting hard, like he run for his life.

"Relax San...breath in breath out....take this glass of water... drink it slowly..." Gulf said giving San a glass of water.

San drank the whole glass. By the time he finished and put the glass on the table, everyone's eyes was on him looking like expecting a good explanation for all this.

"So...would you like to say what you are doing here?" Zee said fawning his eyes.

"yes...I know Mild was keeping an eye on me from the very first day. But I can't do anything. His men are noting every movement of mine. They are also in the company. Where I go, What I do they knew all. So I can't tell you earlier. Today, I only know how I came here." San said. Tears were visible at his eyes.

"stop beating around the brush San... tell us who you are talking about?" Mild said getting impatient.

" James....whatever happened or happening or about to happen are all because of James... He is obsessed with Gulf.. He is doing all this to take Gulf all to himself."



That's it for today. Yes, they are going to fight together. I will not let anything happen to my babies. They will have a happy ending and a happy life and I will make sure of it.

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See you again <3

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