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Narrator's POV.

"Just one more piece to the puzzle, and it'll be done!" Yugi exclaimed as he reached out for the final piece. He puts in the last piece, feeling pleased with his work, he then said, "wait until grandpa finds out I actually managed to complete the puzzle!"

Yugi's POV.

"Just one more piece to the puzzle, and it'll be done!" I exclaimed. "wait until grandpa finds out I actually managed to complete the puzzle!" I added. when I was about to go tell grandpa, something happened to my surprise. The puzzle started to glow a yellowish light. The light was so blinding, that I had to cover my eyes. soon after, by the time the light had gone away, I heard a deep voice.

"Who are you..?"

Then, I stopped shielding my eyes, and looked in front of me. Then I saw someone standing right in front of me, looking down at me. He was slightly bigger than me, so I had to look up at him a bit. The moment I saw him, I was surprised. He almost looked just like me, with his hair having just a few more spikes that went up than me. His dark blue, leather jacket also looked like mine, just tinted a little bit darker, as my leather jacket was tinted light blue.

"Uh, I should be asking who you are, after all, you just appeared out of a yellowish glowing light from the millennium puzzle."

"Oh, that makes sense. My name is Yami. I am a 5,000 year old spirit that has been reborn into the puzzle, thanks to you."

"Whoa, that's shocking, what are the odds of having a 5,000 year old spirit being reborn into my puzzle?"

"You'd never know."

"Hm. Anyways, my name is Yugi."

"Well, Yugi, this was a proper introduction, now I will go back into the millennium puzzle, where I stay whenever I am not taking over."

"Oh, well, alrighty."

He then faded away into what looked like thin air, but he said he was going back into the millennium puzzle, so maybe that's why It just looked like he faded into thin air.

Yami's POV.

"It feels good to finally be reborn after 5,000 years," I had said to myself as I was in the chambers of the millennium puzzle. But something hit me, about Yugi. Something about him gets me thinking. even though we just met, I immediately feel a very strong bond with him, as if we were destined to be together. I sat down, thinking what this feeling could be...

"Hm.. I've never been thinking about anyone else this way, so why am I thinking about Yugi this way...?"

When I met you... (puzzleshipping) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now