Chapter 1 -- "Encounter with Yami in the mind link".

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Yugi's POV.

The phone alarm sounded off, and I groaned while I was slowly opening my eyes to the sound. I reached my hand out to try and turn it off, and it did, but my phone fell on the floor.

"Ugh... I've always hated that alarm.." I mumbled tirelessly as I slowly got up from the bed. I had picked up my phone and put it back on the night stand. Then I suddenly realized I had a very Important exam I needed to do at school today. A math exam.

"Crap, I just remembered I have an exam today.. I'm gonna be late if I don't get ready now!" I jumped out of bed, quickly getting into my clothes after realizing I can't be late to school. I also grabbed the millennium puzzle, and put it around my neck. Then, grandpa yelled from downstairs.

"Yugi, you're going to be late for school! Hurry!"

as I hurry downstairs, almost running, I told grandpa, "I know, I know! See ya after school, grandpa!"

After that, I ran out the door, hoping that I wasn't late for school already. Then, while I was running, I felt something happen in my mind.

Yami's POV.

I opened my mind link to Yugi. the mind link between me and Yugi simply means that we can communicate to each other through our own minds. since Yugi didn't understand what this was yet, I knew I had to explain to him.

"huh, what is happening in my mind?" Yugi asked as I opened my side in the mind link.

"we're in a mind link, Yugi. The mind link is an ability from the millennium puzzle, that allows us to communicate through our minds."

"Oh, so basically, I'm not talking to you physically, but mentally?"


"This is all still new to me, but I understand now."

"I see. But I'll talk to you later Yugi, I don't want to interrupt you in the mind link during class at your school. I'm going to close out my side to the mind link."


As I closed out my side to the mind link, so did Yugi. And there I was, still thinking about Yugi, siting in the chambers of the millennium puzzle. "this all seems so familiar," I said to myself. it's like as if I was experiencing deja vu, but I wasn't. I've done this before, like on the first day when I met Yugi, after he put together the millennium puzzle.

Yugi's POV.

As I arrived at school, I saw my friends waiting for me. Joey, Tristan, and Téa.

"heya, guys!"

"What was da hold up, Yuge? You were almost late for school!"

"Sorry, joey. I overslept my alarm again, but at least I didn't oversleep it too much," I sighed, and scratched my head in embarrassment.

Tristan blurts out. "Oh, that's fine, Yugi. Now, we have a math Exam to complete!"

"Eh, right, Tristan."

we all walked in the school together. I noticed that Téa, Joey, and Tristan went to the same class period with me: math. Of course, this wasn't much of a surprise to me, as I know we all had to do the exam, except some students got lucky, if not most, actually, because they did the pre-exam.

"Alright, class." The teacher started to speak.

"Today we have a math exam, I hope you all have been studying, and memorizing your math. But, I must explain some important things, first. If you cheat, that's automatically going to be an F on your math grade. if I catch you giving answers to somebody, also an F on your math grade. and definitely, NO phones are allowed during the exam. this is all disciplinary action, then your exam will not be valid."

I was already getting bored of the teacher explaining all of this stuff when most of us in the class probably remember, anyway. Then, the teacher handed out our exam papers. We all started this pain of a math exam. I glanced over to Joey, and he looked bored and annoyed over the exam as well. I felt that way too, as of right now.

--time skip by 2 hours--

I sighed in relief when the teacher finally called out, "pencils down, everyone." luckily, I had been able to study for the math exam a lot during this past week. The teacher went around to collect papers.

After the teacher collected the last paper, the bell rung, signaling that it was time for lunch.

Joey exclaimed. "Finally, lunch time, baby!" Then he spreads out his arms and put them in the air.

"Oh, calm down, would you!? You act so dramatic!"

"Téa, you're a party pooper."

Téa just rolled her eyes. I bet the first thing she was thinking right now was, ugh, Joey's just sooo dramatic.

I laughed a little, and grin. Then I thought to myself. Ah, friends. I have the best friends ever.

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