Chapter 4 -- "The dark presence that Yami senses".

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Yugi's POV.

The next morning, I woke up. I glanced over to my friends, who were still sleep. But the second thing that caught my attention was Yami hugging me in his arms while sleeping. I started to blush uncontrollably.

"U-uh, Yami, wake u-up--"

He yawned and woke up, which interrupted me.

"Oh, morning, aibou."

"G-good morning, Yami.."

"You okay?"

"Y-yeah, I'm fine, I'm just confused on why you're hugging me." I stammered as the blush on my face fades away

"Well, when I was about to go to sleep after finding a spot on the floor to lay on, you sleep talked and told me to stay with you, so that's what I did."

"I... see."

Yami got up, and I did, too. I tapped each on of my friend's shoulders, and they woke up one by one.

"Mornin', Yami and Yuge." Joey said.

"good morning, Joey."

"Good morning," Téa and Tristan said in unison.

They all got up, while Yami faded away into my millennium puzzle.

"We're all gonna go back to our houses now, Yugi. Thanks for the sleepover." Téa thanked me.

"No sweat."

They waved at me, then walked out the door. After they left, I went upstairs to see if grandpa was awake, and he was. He was sitting up in the bed, watching TV.

"Hey, grandpa."

"Hello, Yugi. I'm just watching the daily news."

"Oh, okay. Just came in to check on you."

"Thanks, Yugi."

"No problem."

I closed his bedroom door, and walked to my room, and closed my own door. Then I sat down on my bed, opening my side of the mind link to Yami, waiting for a response.

"Yami? You there?"

As he opened his side to the mind link, he talked cautiously, which left me confused.

"Uh... yeah, I'm here, Yugi."

"What's wrong? The tone in your voice seems a bit... off."



"Sorry, Yugi. I'm sensing a dark presence in this room..."

"What is it..?"

"It's... growing darker and darker.."

After Yami had said that, I suddenly felt the temperature getting colder. The room also had gotten darker, too.

"I'm.. starting to feel it too, Yami.."

Yami's face looked very worrisome, and cautious, as if he were prepared for anything. But... something about the color of the room seemed way too familiar to me. As the room got darker, it almost looked like the colors of the Shadow Realm.

"Wait, Yami, these look like the colors of the Shadow Realm!"


"Huh? 'No' what, Yami?"

"This dark presence... could it be--"

Before he could finish his sentence, dark, purplish smoke formed the body shape of Yami Marik.


"Yes, pharaoh... I am here to drain the powers of the millennium puzzle!" He hissed.

"You'll never get your hands on the puzzle..." Yami growled.

"Marik.... how did you even find us?!"

"Little Yugi... I simply used the magic of the Shadow Realm to find you.." Marik's voice was deep, and devilish.

"Now the power of the millennium puzzle will be mine.. starting with you, LITTLE YUGI!"

Before I could do anything, Marik pointed his millennium rod at me, and it started to glow. As it glowed, I started to feel so weak, to the point where I passed out. As I passed out, I whispered,

"Y-Yami... help..."

Yami's POV.

The moment I saw Yugi pass out, pure anger fueled me. I was so furious, that a yellow, glowing eye, that looked like the millennium eye, appeared on my forehead.


As I powered up for a mind crush, I focused all my power into the millennium puzzle. Then I directed it all to Marik. As a shield, he used his millennium rod to block my mind crush. It was a clash of power, both from our millennium items.

"OH, PHARAOH, YOU'LL HAVE TO DO BETTER THAN THAT!" He hissed and yelled in a devilish tone, though it didn't bother me. That was always how he talked, anyway.



After the power of our millennium items were pushed to their absolute limit, an explosion occured, which knocked me and Marik back. We both hit a wall. I grunted in pain, so did Marik. As I looked up, I glanced around a bit, before getting up


"...This isn't over, Yami.. I still have what I need... little Yugi.." Marik chuckled devilishly, as gave his last threat. He disappeared into the shadows, after.

"Aibou.. I'll save you.. it'll be risky, but I'm willing to do it..." I mumbled to myself, as I watched the darkness in the room fade away.

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