Chapter 2- The Coronation

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-:Six Months Later:-

It was finally the weekend of Rapunzel's and my official coronation as princesses. A couple of months ago I was finally able to convince mom and dad to allow me to come out of hiding and become an official princess of Corona, so Rapunzel and I were going to be crowned together. I still had yet to be allowed to explore outside of the palace walls, but at least now I could attend royal banquets and make appearances to the public. It was amazing to actually be acknowledged as a real royal instead of just being locked away, not to mention the fact that I'd finally be allowed to explore the town with Rapunzel tomorrow morning!

I smile and let out a happy squeal. Things were finally looking up! I step out onto my balcony and look out onto the courtyard. I could see the guards escorting Rapunzel and Eugene through the front gates, and Cassandra nervously pacing. I knew how nervous she was about the coronation. Cass quickly grabs Rapunzel's arm and drags her off, most likely to get her ready to greet some of the most important people in the world to the coronation.

Speaking of which... I look back into my room where my gown was waiting for me. I sigh as I take it off of the mannequin and begin to change. It was a yellow and white dress, with some light purple accents. It was beautiful but horribly uncomfortable. I knew how upset dad would be if I didn't wear the special banquet dress he had tailored for me, so I would have to put up with it.

A few maids suddenly rush into my room and sit me down at my vanity, where they began to do my hair and makeup. They pull my hair into a type of half-up, half-down style, similar to the way mom wore hers. The only difference was that they weaved white flowers into my hair. One maid put a golden necklace around my neck, and two matching earrings with purple gems in my ears. I have to admit, they really seemed to know what they were doing.

Almost as quickly as they came in, they exited the room, leaving me alone in front of the vanity. "I really do look like a princess." I softly say. "What do you think, Dandelion?" I ask turning to the rabbit.

Dandelion sits up in her bed and nods her head in approval. I smile. "Thanks, girl."

I suddenly hear a knock on my door. "Come in!" I call.

The door opens and my mom steps in, looking as stunning as ever. She walks over to my seat and kneels down in front of me. "Hey, sweetie. How are you doing?" She asks.

"I'm alright mom. Just a bit worried...I've never had to be around so many people before...not to mention the fact that they're royals..." I say with a nervous chuckle.

"I understand. But I know that you'll do amazing. I'm sorry that your social skills have suffered so much these years that you were locked away. I loved exploring the world and helping others when I was your age. I'm only sorry that you couldn't grow up the same way."

"It's alright. At least now I finally get to explore my kingdom."

"I...I wanted to give you this." Mom says, taking a small blue parcel from her dress pocket. "I know I can't make up for the time you've lost, but I'm hoping that it can help." She states, handing me the box.

I slowly open it up. Inside was a silver compass with a Corona sun pressed into its lid. "It's beautiful...but what's this for?"

"You'll find out when the time is right. Use it wisely, (yn)."

I stare at the compass. "I don't understand."

Mom smiles at me. "You will."

She stands up and walks to the door. "You'll do great tonight, sweetie."

"Thanks, mom."

I open the watch and gaze at the red arrow as it points north. I close the lid, set the compass on my vanity, and exit my room.

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