*。:* #sheisntworthit

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      she walks up the next morning to find the boy gone

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      she walks up the next morning to find the boy gone. his stuff looted from her room. she was filled with emense hatred with herself from the night before. but then she found what was on her keyboard. it was a nicely folded sweater, it was confusing for a second who's it was whether it was his or hers but then she remembered. 

     a week ago when he first came she remembers how comfy his sweater was, "oh god, can i please steal this sweater from you?!" she joked.

     and on top a nicely folded piece of paper. there's a smiley face on it. 

hi shay,

i know my flights at noon,
but i needed some time
beforehand. sorry for springing
that onto you, i didn't mean to
make you upset. umm here's
youre favorite sweater, you can
keep it. gonna miss you

but this is what's best
she thinks to herself.



i hope u liked ur new sweater

cost me a full $7 at the thrift store

i know ur probably asleep but
just wanted to check in! :D

hey it's me again!

just wonder when u'll be able to
call or ft or something like that


  then he decided to stop annoying her, but he couldn't help but check his phone every minute or so with anxiety's

shay on the other hand stayed in bed all day. except for the occasional bathroom or food, but even then she goes straight back to her room and rewatches new girl. her comfort show. it's to the point where she's doesn't want anything new, so instead she rewatched the same seven seasons, just to feel something. shay doesn't even bother with her phone or the internet.

she loved her brother with all her heart, mostly because jake knew not to talk to her. no questions ask, but it was a mutual fuck off vibe.


karlnetwork's live w/ salad squad clip!

to be honest he didn't feel like streaming or talking to anyone at all. but he'd planned this out weeks ago. "hey chat! to be honest chat, i'm not feeling the best. i'm in the process of unpacking from a trip, i'm back home and yeah." it's obvious in his voice the boy is going through something.



karl jacobs


idk username
who tf hurt karl?!??!


idk username
can we pls cancel shay SHE HURT OUR BABY


idk username


idk username
it was def shay


idk username
@bbyshay what did u do to karllll


idk username
#shayisoverparty 🤔🤔🤔


idk username
fr shay has been so annoying and now she hurts karl?!?! last straw my guy


idk username
WERE HERE FOR U KARL #sheisntworthit

LUMPY SPACE PRINCE , karl jacobs Where stories live. Discover now