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After the misfortune, Natalia had decided to go back to sleep, going back on her side and beginning to snore once again. Wanda had stayed awake, sitting up in her bed next to Natalia.

She was afraid of going back to bed, the possibilities of having another visualization were likely. Wanda did not want to experience it again, nonetheless had the energy to either.

Wanda also had wondered on Natalia's claims from the hour prior; she did say it was a sign of development, yet, Wanda found herself still yearning towards Vision.

Yet, she knew it would not happen immediately, but Wanda still couldn't help but wonder if she'd ever actually move past from him.

She felt shame for clinging onto people she knew she'd never see again. Unless there was a machine that could bring loved ones back, probably not.

Wanda needed to speak, not to herself, but to someone else that would listen to her. So, she turned her head over and tapped lightly at Natalia's shoulder.

Luckily for her, Natalia was a light sleeper, and she stirred around and rubbed her eyes as she asked, "What time is it?" Her voice was deep and raspier that usual, and Wanda found it captivating.

"I would like to speak with you," Wanda dodged the previous question.

"About what?" She questioned, shivering her body to get used to the late morning temperature.

"About.. you know," Wanda leaned her head sideways and smiled down at Natalia while she exhaled willingly, "Actual conversation or therapy?" She asked.

"Eh, Well see," Wanda confirmed.

"Alright," Natalia agreed, "What's on your mind?" She started.

"Everything!" Wanda exclaimed in a sing-song voice, making a soaring motion with her arm.

Natalia laughed, "Be specific, or i'm going back to sleep," She warned.

"Fine," Wanda complied, "I don't think that i'll be able to get better.. at all," She revealed, quickly changing the aura of the conversation.

"Oh, wow.." Natalia exclaimed, appalled, not expecting Wanda to be so valiant so quickly.

"Why do you think that?" Natalia questioned, genuinely curious.

"Because," Wanda sighed, "It's been years, Nat..since I lost them," Wanda knew Natalia understood who she had been referring to, "And if I still miss them now, what hope do I have.."

Natalia felt immense solemn for Wanda. It was distinct that she had suffered a great deal, everyone in the team could tell, yet they never said anything about it.

Yet, she had always wanted to, and now she could.

"Wanda.." Natalia began, "These things take time, you know that right?"

Yes, I know, but," Wanda protested, "My parents passed when I was a child," Wanda revealed, "Pietro, I was 24," her tone was gloomy, "Vision, I was 28.." She took a pause to compel herself, wrapping her arms around herself, "Now i'm in my 30's, it's too much, and i'm tired of it.."

Natalia stayed quiet for a second to see if Wanda had anything more to add, then went on, "That's.. a lot. I'm sorry, I really am, I don't know how I can make it better.." she sincerely apologized, frowning.

"It's okay, don't worry.. I just think it's nice you actually cared to listen.. even if it's your job, it's still delightful," Wanda sadly smiled, giving her thanks.

Natalia nodded in welcoming, and soon after both women were silent, just resting on the bed. The silence wasn't awkward or uncomfortable, much to Wanda's appreciation.

After some time, Wanda took the chance to ask Natalia, "What about you? What's on your mind?" She tilted her head in fascination.

"Hm?" Natalia furrowed her eyebrows, confused by this question.

"It's always been me talking about my problems, why not focus on you for once?" Wanda suggested.

"Because i'm not the patient, you are," Natalia pointed out.

"I thought there weren't any rules to therapy?" Wanda repeated Natalia's own words against her, smiling.

"Oh, fine," Natalia gave up, smirking while rolling her eyes, clearing her throat to begin while Wanda made herself more comfortable.

"Sometimes, I like to think about what life would be like if.. this whole thing didn't happen.. where would we be.." She trailed off, looking at the ceiling as if she had forgotten her words was being heard by another person.

"I do as well," Wanda agreed, yet, she knew that was not all Natalia had coursing in her memory.

"What about, when you were.. younger?" She inquired.

"What do you mean?" Natalia asked.

"What I made you see.. all those years ago.. about the-" Wanda had begun, yet Natalia cut her off.

"Oh, I don't..uh- wanna talk about that," Natalia chuckled nervously.

"But you said talking about it would make you feel bet-"

"Wanda," Natalia interrupted, her voice raised slightly in irritation, "Just..drop it, please," She lowered her voice back to its regular volume once she saw the shocked expression on Wanda's face.

"Yeah, got it," Wanda paused, "I'm sorry,"

"It's fine," Natalia assured, "It's just, memories like that, are something i've moved on from.. and that's not a memory lane I'd like to go down on, you know?"

"Yes, but do you mind if I ask just one more question?" Wanda went, putting up her pointer finger to represent 'One'.

"Go ahead," Natalia permitted.

"How did you move on from something like that?" Wanda asked.

"I think I told you this already.." Natalia commented.

"Say it again, please?" Wanda bit her lip.

"I distracted myself with work, putting my open goals before my personal goals, but it doesn't work for everyone," Natalia answered.

"What are some more ways?" Wanda interrogated.

"Well," Natalia thought for a moment before continuing, "Some people build a new life for themselves and focus on the good, some accept the problem and make the best of it, some actually try and get help, like you," Natalia chuckled, "And.. some people, do worse things.. using their anger and loss and turning it into a weapon," Natalia finished.

"I'd like to try one of those, maybe it could work," Wanda considered.

"Or, maybe it wouldn't," Natalia indicated, "There's no right way of healing, you need to remember that,"

Wanda sighed, "So what do I do?"

Natalia looked up at her, "I can tell you one thing that could help.. trouble doesn't last forever," Natalia smiled.

"Well, I suppose that is true," Wanda admitted "Nothing lasts forever.."

Natalia nodded, "Exactly."


sorry for this boring chapter, more interesting chapters will come i promise, but thank you for reading !! thank you all for 600 reads, and 100 followers omg!! i love you :)

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