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Wanda didn't suppose she was actually thinking when she had asked Natalia to stay over. It's not that she didn't want her over, she didn't know if she could handle it.

Only a few hours earlier had she been weeping openly right in front of her. She was embarrassed, to say the least, although she knew Natalia didn't think anything of it, she checked for herself. Yet, still, she does not feel easy with the memory.

They had taken the bus to return to Wanda's apartment, which thankfully for Wanda, she had already cleaned a few days prior.

Now, Natalia sat at the right side of the couch, and Wanda had been struggling to fix her wifi, which had abruptly cut out while she was gone.

"Ugh!" Wanda groaned as she seemingly made the problem worse while trying to fix it with her powers.

"Try unplugging it for a minute, then plug it back in," Natalia suggested.

Wanda complied, unplugging the router with ease and she threw herself back on the opposite end of the couch and waited for a minute to pass by.

She saw the clock go from 3:56 to 3:57 and she inserted the plug back into the router without actually touching it, the light of the router turning on and whirring.

Suddenly, her TV turned on and what she had been watching before she left was on the screen. Apparently she had forgotten to turn it off, oops.

"You watch Full House?" Natalia teased, not expecting for Wanda to like that kind of television.

She chuckled, "Are you making fun of me?" Wanda asked, smiling.

"No," She denied in an amusing tone, "I didn't think you liked this, it's sweet," She stated.


After an episode, Natalia moved from the couch and shamelessly declared, "I'm bored,"

"How can you be bored watching Full House, Nat?" Wanda questioned.

Natalia ignored this, "Do you have any games? Like, Mortal Combat or something?" Natalia asked as she looked around to see any source of entertainment.

"I don't play those games, they're feral," Wanda scowled.

Suddenly, Natalia made a hold towards a bin that had been hidden under the drawer, "You have a Switch?" she amazedly remarked, admiring it.

"Hm?" Wanda turned her head to see what Natalia was speaking on, "Oh, right. It's not mine though,"

"Then who's is it?" Natalia cocked her eyebrow, turning on the Switch.

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