Chapter 50: Styx

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HAPPY CHAPTER 50! This is kind of crazy... especially since we're approaching the big battle! 


Shaking his head, Nico said, "Wait, are we... sad that Dumbledore's gone, or...?"

"Yes." Annabeth growled. "And when you two see Harry, Ron, and Hermione, you will be sad. Because they lost a mentor and a friend. Imagine if you lost Chiron."

Just then, Percy noticed the trio walking towards them from the Great Hall. 


"Percy! You're okay!" Hermione exclaimed, running up to give Percy a hug.

Percy forced a smile. "Yeah, yeah. Are you?" He asked, pulling away.

Hermione's eyes dropped to the floor. "Dumbledore..."

"I know," Percy replied. "But I'm asking about you three."

Hermione gazed up at Percy with tears in her eyes. "We're okay." Percy continued to stare at her, waiting for the truth. "Or, at least, we will be."

Percy nodded, glancing at Harry and Ron's sullen faces. 

Harry's frown didn't last for long once he noticed Nico. "Who's that?" He asked, pointing at the demigod.

Swallowing what Annabeth would have called a 'rude retort', Percy replied, "That's my cousin, Nico." Turning back around to face the demigod, "Nico, that's Harry, that's Ron," Gesturing to the witch next to him, Percy said, "And this is Hermione."

Before Nico could say anything, Harry fired off another question to Percy. "Is he a demigod too?"

Nico frowned, looking at Percy. "I am here aren't I?" 

Percy stifled a laugh. Nodding, Nico walked right up to Harry. "Well, he  is a demigod actually. Son of Hades."

"Nico!" Annabeth scolded.

He turned around. "What? So you and Percy can tell them but I can't? That's so unfair."

"You're not even supposed to be here," Annabeth reminded through gritted teeth. 

Nico's mouth formed an 'O'. 

Ron watched the scene unfold, not wanting to get involved. The universe had other plans.

"Ron, right?" Nico asked, walking up to him. Annabeth facepalmed. Ron was the last person Nico should confront and he knew it. 


"You need all the help you can get in this, right?"

"Uh..." Ron looked between Harry and Hermione's encouraging faces, and Percy and Annabeth's glares. 


"Um, I guess? But- but, I think we're okay. Uh, you know what? It's uh, it's not really my call. I think, uh, you should probably talk to Nico- I mean, Percy! Yeah. Percy and Annabeth."

Nico frowned. "A quest has three people right?" He asked Percy and Annabeth. "There's only two of you."

Percy shook his head. "There wasn't a designated amount of people for this. The prophecy just stated Harry and I."

Nico groaned. "So you're telling me, because of the prophecy, I can't join?"

"Yes," Percy and Annabeth replied in unison. 

"Didn't you invite yourself on the quest with Thalia and Bianca?" Nico asked. "Or, or was it the quest through the Sea of Monsters?"

Percy glared. "That was literal years ago. Also, how do you even know about the Sea of Monsters? You weren't even at camp!"

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