Chapter 22: Draco the Death Eater

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"Okay, fine Ron. We'll do it your way. Tell Percy [about Annabeth] then confront him." Hermione said.


Harry looked between his two best friends. Begrudgingly, he agreed to the plan.


Percy didn't know when he stopped crying. The lake was bright so it didn't take a genius to figure out that it was the afternoon. Percy's head pounded and his eyes were heavy. Percy didn't remember sleeping... but he didn't remember being awake either. 

Percy looked down at his feet to see sea creatures keeping him company. There was a pile of odd rocks, seaweed, and shiny items next to him. Percy gave a sad smile. An ocean funeral. Percy mumbled a 'thank you' to the surrounding animals. 

Percy controlled the water to push him towards the surface of the lake. 

Percy squinted when he reached the top; it was bright. Quiet. Too warm for early October. He swam towards the coast, and slowly walked out onto the small beach.

Percy was dripping wet. Cold. He didn't care.

 Percy stood on the strip of sand blankly staring at Hogwarts. He shivered. 

Percy was wet and cold. He didn't bother using his son of Poseidon powers to dry himself off. The demigod didn't believe that he deserved to be comfortable when Annabeth was dead. 

Percy took a shaky breath and glanced at his watch. 12:30 pm. Lunch. He missed breakfast and two of his classes. Percy willed his feet to walk towards Hogwarts. 

His feet were heavy. His head was pounding. All Percy could hear was static around him. White noise drowning out concerned teachers and questioning students. 

Percy dragged himself towards Hogwarts. He stumbled into the school and without thinking, headed straight for McGonagall's office, leaving a trail of lake water behind him. 

Students whispered in the halls, as most would do upon seeing a soaking wet wizard trudge through the corridors. Percy ignored them.

Percy came to a stop in front of Professor McGonagall's door. His hands were frozen at his sides. He couldn't knock. Percy stood there absent-mindedly fingering Riptide in his pocket. 

Percy jumped when the door opened. Gazing up from the ground he looked into McGonagall's furious eyes.

The professor's gaze softened when she saw the state he was in. "Percy?" Minerva questioned carefully. 

Percy didn't reply. His mind was blank. It was the only way to keep her out of it. 

"Percy?" Professor McGonagall said again. She studied the soaking wet demigod. Hesitantly she asked, "Are you alright?"

Percy didn't answer. He couldn't bring himself to answer McGonagall's question. 

Carefully, Professor McGonagall guided Percy into her office, and quietly closed the door behind him. She slowly brought him over to the couch, and sat him down. 

Percy sat silently on the couch, still as one of Medusa's victims. 

McGonagall silently waved her wand and Percy became dry. 

"Percy, what happened?" Needless to say Minerva was confused. She thought one of his abilities was staying dry when wet. Not to mention, he missed breakfast and two classes. None of his fellow classmates have heard from him since the night before. McGonagall worried about what could have happened in the past 12 hours. 

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