Sneak Peak of Hidden Wisdom

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Prologue: Dave

You know that feeling of calmness spreading throughout your body? When you feel so at ease that everything wrong in the world feels like miles away?

Percy did not know that feeling.

Percy thought he knew that feeling the day him and Annabeth got married. When he was told to 'kiss the bride' which as camp tradition would have it, occurred underwater.

He also thought he knew the feeling when him and Annabeth drew up plans to travel to Camp Jupiter and to stay there indefinitely.

The last time Percy could think of maybe having that calming feeling, was when him and Annabeth celebrated their first night monster free, living in their new home on the outskirts of New Rome.

As much as Percy thought he knew what it felt like to be safe, what it felt like to know his friends and family were safe, he didn't.

He only knew the feeling of constantly being on the run from bloodthirsty monsters, deadly prophecies, and all of the above.

He knew the feeling of always being on edge, waiting for the next big bad to attack.

Even throughout all of those new, happy memories, him and his wife made over the summer, Percy had a voice in the back of his head warning him not to let his guard down.

Reminding him, that even though they were happy and safe, they were never truly done with their world saving duties.

Every night before Percy went to bed, he ran through all of the events that took place during his time at Hogwarts. When he couldn't sleep, he recanted all of the spells he learned.

He practiced.

He trained.

Both with his sword and wand.

Percy wasn't sure what the tradition was with wizards and their wands, if they named them or not, but he figured if his sword got a name, it would only be fair for his wand to have a name as well.

It was because of that decision, that Reyna was staring at him with pure disdain.

"Dave," She said.


"You named your wand, Dave."

Percy felt his cheeks flush. "I did."

"That is the dumbest name- where did you... why?" Reyna couldn't wrap her head around the fact that the most powerful demigod, and well, not as powerful wizard, named his wand Dave.

"I had a friend at Hogwarts, and his name was Dave."


"Short for David. Look all of the other sea creatures made fun of him for his-"

Reyna held up a hand. "Hold on. He's not even human?"

"He's a squid. And don't discriminate against him. I named my wand in honor of him."

Reyna stared at Percy. She stared at this 19 year old child in front of her. This child holding a magic stick, a stick named Dave.

"Okay. Sorry. It's a great name, Percy."

"Thank you." With that, Reyna watched as he walked away, flipping his wand and catching it in his hand. Without meaning to, a small smile crept onto her face. This was the Percy she remembered.

Once Reyna was far enough away, Percy's lopsided grin dropped. He put his wand into his pocket, and headed towards Camp Jupiter's border. As he made his way there, dozens of demigods greeted him with smiles and high fives.

And the whole time Percy smiled and joked with them.

Everyone at Camp Jupiter, and camp back home, thought that Percy was finally back to his old self.

Even Annabeth.

But he wasn't.

He just learned how to hide it better.

Because no matter how happy he seemed, how non- threatened him and his friends were, Percy could never let his guard down. Ever.

He knew another battle was on the horizon.

He knew Rachel couldn't give prophecies from the Oracle.

He knew Iris Messaging wasn't working, as well as lack of communication from Olympus.

He knew things were just beginning.

And as long as things would continue to worsen, he would prepare.

He would be ready.

He would be ready with Annabeth by his side, leading the charge. 

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