Chapter 16: The Prophecy

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"Okay. We've done harder things than steal a bag. You can distract him or something, and I'll run up to the dormitory and look around for it."

"That could work. He's smart though, Harry. He'll see right through our plan."

"Not unless we get Ron in on it. This'll work. I can feel it."

"I hope you're right Harry. He's a powerful wizard and he's barely had any training. Between that, making up his own spells, and your dreams... we have to be careful." Hermione paused, "I wouldn't want him as an enemy."


Percy woke up an exhausted mess. He tossed and turned all night constantly switching between dreams of Voldemort and flashbacks on the Giant War. He needed sleep. Luckily, that Monday morning was going to be easy. He only had three classes: Care of Magical Creatures, Herbology, and Divination.

For once, Percy was right. The morning passed by in a haze, with Percy falling asleep not once, but twice in Herbology. 

Glancing at his schedule during lunch, he saw that he only had Divination left. He could handle that class. He hated it, but he could handle it. 

"I don't understand why you hate this class so much, Percy." Ron said while the two of them walked towards the tower where class was being held. 

"Because Ron, Professor Trelawney thinks she's a prophet. Which she isn't." 

"Who cares if she can read leaves in cups or whatever, that class is so easy." Ron and Percy headed up the stairs leading to the room. "You can even just make things up and she believes you."

Percy wasn't convinced. "I guess."

By the time they got there, Harry and Hermione were already seated at a separate table. 

"Partners?" Ron said as him and Percy sat down at an empty table.


Percy's stomach turned. He always felt uneasy when he entered the room, but today was different. He thought back to last night's dream. His stomach turned again. 

"Okay everybody, today we will be analyzing our dreams. Turn to your partner and begin." Professor Trelawney walked across the room as students began talking.

Percy sighed. He hated making up dreams to tell Ron, but he couldn't exactly tell him what actually happens in them. So instead (because he's studied the textbooks well enough) he substituted people in his dream. For instance, Voldemort became a dementor, and Annabeth became an owl. Perfectly reasonable for an average Hogwarts' student. 

As class went by and nothing happened, Percy began to relax a bit. He was still on edge because his demigod senses were going crazy, and that only happened when something bad was in store. 

Percy was fairly calm until Professor Trelawney walked up to him and Ron. Percy automatically tensed and gripped his pen. 

"How are we dears?" Trelawney said in a light voice.

Ron glanced at Percy, who had his eyes set on Trelawney, and spoke. "We're doing good Professor, thanks."

"Mr. Jackson?" 

"Good, thanks." Percy's senses were alarmed. Something bad was going to happen, he could feel it. He continued to stare at the Professor.

All of a sudden, Professor Trelawney stiffened and green smoke started to come from her mouth. 

A raspy voice whispered throughout the room:

Two half-bloods shall reunite them all,

Into realm of darkness one will fall.

To bring back from the myth and pain,

One will lose what the other will gain.

Percy froze. That was the prophecy he heard at camp two years ago. After the war. The one Chiron warned him to never forget. He cursed.

Professor Trelawney's eyes rolled back as the green smoke dissipated. Percy jumped up to catch the professor, familiar with the action. He sat her down into his chair. 

Looking around the room, Percy noticed all of the students staring horrified at their teacher lying passed out in a chair. 

Naturally, Harry, Ron, and Hermione were staring at Percy confused and realistically scared. Glancing at Ron, then looking towards Harry and Hermione, Percy swiftly ran out of the room.

Everyone (except the trio) was too focused on Professor Trelawney to notice Percy sprinting out of the classroom.

Percy's mind was racing as he bolted down the tower's steps. He wasn't even sure where he was going but he just had to get out of there. He couldn't breathe. Percy was so focused on what happened and what was going to happen, he didn't sense a certain trio behind him under Harry's invisibility cloak.

Percy ran throughout Hogwarts. Where was he even going? Normally he would've sucked up his hatred and gone to Dumbledore, but the headmaster wasn't at the school. Should he go back to the dormitory? Gryffindor common room? That way if anyone saw him he could say he was feeling off. No. He needed somewhere to think.

Should he Iris Message Chiron? The centaur would know what to do right? Does that mean Percy should go to the lake? Percy stopped. He didn't even know where he was. 

Right behind him, Harry, Ron, and Hermione slammed to a stop. The three of them were panting heavily, unused to the speed Percy ran at.

Still unaware of the group of wizards behind him, Percy took a few deep breaths to help calm himself. He's had prophecies before, he could handle this. But this was the first one without Annabeth. Percy closed his eyes. He needed to solve the prophecy. 

He needed to focus. If Percy was at camp, he would have just hunted down monsters. Or trained. Percy needed to let off steam the best way he knew how: training. 

Percy wasn't sure if he was too distracted to notice, or if it just appeared there, but in a long empty corridor, right in front of him, there was a door. 

Looking around, and seeing no one around him, Percy opened the door. 

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