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The younger pointed with his eyes to the notepad in Wuxian's hands.

Wei Wuxian nodded and opened the notepad and his eyes grew wide again seeing 3 categories of rules: Severe, Moderate and Forgivable. He flipped pages to see way too many rules bulleted under each category, extending page after page, endlessly. "They are too many- how can I-?"

"Do you want the flat or not?" The boy asked coldly. 

"I- I want it! I want it!" Wuxian replied. 

"Each time you break a forgivable or Moderate rule, you'll have to write them 100 times and give it to me." The younger said with a stoic face.

Wei Wuxian, who has never in his life complied to rules, sighed at his tragic ending and nodded. Then Wuxian asked softly, "What about the severe rules?" 

The younger replied, "If a severe rule is broken, more than thrice, you will have to leave." Wei Wuxian made a mental note of memorizing the 'Severe rules' first thing tomorrow morning. 

The boy left after showing Wuxian his new room. It wasn't a big room but still enough for Wuxian. The house was decent, and the boy was tolerable, the only problem were the innumerable number of rules. But Wuxian encouraged himself that he could do it. It was better than living next to his Ah Xu-ah after all.

The thought of Ah Xu-ah made Wuxian sad. He pulled at the hair tie that had been clasping his shoulder-length hair in a small pony-tail since morning. He ran his fingers through his sweat soaked hair and went to sleep without changing clothes.

When Wuxian woke up, the light was still on. It was 3 in the morning and he was feeling much fresher. He got up and took a bath. He had had the same dream again. He saw Ah Xu-ah finding out his secret and leaving him forever. He sighed and consoled himself, "Now he would never know." 

He looked to his side and saw the notebook. Picking it up, he started reading. The front page said, "Book Of Rules: to be followed in the house of Lan Wang Ji"

"So Wang Ji it is?" Wuxian muttered and skipped the page. He started skimming through the rules. "Can't scream, can't talk loudly, can't laugh loudly, ..... , CANNOT WEAR ANY OF WANGJI'S BELONGINGS." 

'Thats why he got so angry when I wore his slippers,'  Wuxian thought and kept reading, 

" ,....., CANNOT CALL WANG JI BY ANY OTHER NAME (cannot call him informally) , .... , cannot eat meat in the house, .... ,cannot bring ALCOHOL, cannot SMOKE, .... ,  cannot destroy Wang Ji's plants, CANNOT HARM WANG JI's RABBITS"  

'This brat has rabbits in this house?!! He didn't look like the kind of a person who would show affection to humans, let alone animals.' Wuxian thought to himself.

He didn't realize when when he fell asleep reading the never ending rules.

When Wuxian woke up again, he was already late for work. While rushing out of the house, he grabbed a piece of toast lying on the table. Wang Ji slapped his hand and the bread fell from Wuxian's hand. Wang Ji said, "Rule 48: No breakfast after 9 AM." 

Wuxian frowned, but he had no time to argue so he left the house empty stomach.

Work was hectic like usual, and Wuxian was exhausted. He managed to get himself ramen for lunch and was immersed in work till late at night. While returning home, Wuxian was going through the Majestic-Rule-Book-of-that-young-brat, as Wuxian likes to call it, again. While flipping pages he came across the rule number - '57. No dinner after 9:30 PM.' 

Wuxian looked at his watch, it was 9:45 PM, he shut his eyes in disappointment and stopped at  the local take out, 2 streets away from his new house. He had some fish and rice and got engrossed in a great conversation with a middle-aged man. After some nice laughs, he was ready to walk back home. He lost track of time with that man but it didn't matter. It wasn't like Ah Xu-ah was waiting at home. A wave of sadness overtook his otherwise happy mood and the boy decided to start reading the Rule-book again. 

'Rule- 58. Carry your key at all times.' Wuxian checked his coat pocket, "Oops I forgot today."

'Rule- 59. I will not open the door at any cost after 10 PM.' Wuxian's eyes popped out of their sockets. His pace became faster. He checked the time immediately, it was 10:39 PM. He slapped his hand on his forehead. 'Only if I'd read that rule sooner.' He thought.

He stood outside the main gate and stared blankly. He had no courage to ring the bell. After few seconds of gathering himself, he knocked, hard. But no response. He rang the bell too, but no response. If it was any other place, he would have climbed in through the window, but he didn't dare this time. He was reminded of the rule under 'Severe Rules-' '3. NO DAMAGE TO BE CAUSED TO MY HOUSE.'

Wuxian resigned to his fate and sat outside the main door. He drifted off to sleep again while reading the Rule-Book.

Wuxian woke up haphazardly when a glass of water was splashed on his face. He opened his eyes to see Wang Ji standing at the gate with an empty glass of water. Wang Ji said, "Rule Book- Page 17, Rule. 47. You cannot sleep outside the house past 6 AM." 

Now Wuxian was at the verge of tears. But without saying anything, he picked up his stuff and followed Wang Ji back in. While he was heading towards his room, Wang Ji said, "Sleeping with wet clothes on the bed is a violation of Rule. 5- Taking care of all house property."

"I KNOW!" Wuxian replied loudly. Wang Ji stepped closer to Wuxian, glaring coldly, who suddenly realised that he had broken a rule. 

Wang Ji said, "You must not shout in the house of Lan Wang Ji."

"I know, I'm sorry." Wuxian said.

"100 times, before 9 AM, on the breakfast table." Wang Ji said coldly, and left.

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