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It was the day of the wedding of Zhou Zi Shu and Wen Ke Xing. 

Wuxian was getting ready in the bedroom, and Wang Ji in the bathroom. They were both wearing hanfus for the traditional wedding ceremony. The wedding was taking place in a monastery. And Wuxian was more than excited to see Zi Shu in those beautiful wedding robes that the elder had showed him a week ago.

He wanted to be with Zi Shu today, but Zi Shu's father was there with him so he didn't need much help from others. Unlike Lao Wen whose parents abandoned him for being gay at a mere age of 20, Zi Shu's dad was quite an accepting man. His love for his son was beyond the rules of the society. Zi Shu's mother died at a young age so his father was all he had. They had a special bond. They both understood very well what it felt like to lose a loved one. So when Zi SHu told his father about Lao Wen, his father didn't exactly understand what his son meant by 'I am with a man, dad.' But he was willing to put in the effort to understand.

After meeting Ke Xing, he understood everything quite well. 

He knew his son loved this person, and his son's happiness was everything he wanted. He said one thing to Zi Shu, "A family doesn't necessarily have to be a man and a woman." And Zi Shu knew his father accepted him. And it meant the world to him. So basically in the entire squad of dads, Zi Shu hit the lottery and won the coolest one. Wuxian couldn't be happier for his best friend. 

So today was the day of the wedding and Wang Ji had bought a gorgeous set of hanfus for both of them.

Wuxian's was in multiple layers of white and red, with gorgeous floral embroidery all over it's borders. And Wang Ji's was much simpler in the shades of white and sky blue. It had a more elegant appeal to it. Wuxian left his hair open, to give himself a very beautiful feminine look. His even wore some make up around his eyes, making those lotus shaped eyes pop out even more. He liked the feminine appeal of his body. He liked make up and the smell of eye-shadow. He liked looking pretty. And people would often misunderstand his looks for a woman and approach him in flirtatious manners. And he liked replying in his masculine voice, making their hearts crash and their demeanor embarrassed beyond measure. He liked reducing people to a humiliated sorry state. He liked to see those flushed faces. He loved challenging people's beliefs and their notions of right and wrong.

This was Wuxian to the core. When he looked at himself in the mirror, he smiled at the thought of the kind of vivid experiences that he will be inviting towards himself all day today. Wuxian was very well aware that a lot of Zi Shu and Lao Wen's friends and colleagues will be there at the wedding. And Wuxian was in a playful mood. He wanted to play around a little today. As he was looking at his own tempting reflection in the mirror, he saw Wang Ji come out of the bathroom. And Wuxian sure lost his breath for a split second.

Wang Ji's hair were short and black, resting not-so-neatly on his forehead. His shoulders looked extraordinarily broad in the hanfu robes. The color was going really well with his pale skin tone. His face was stoic as usual, but every time he walked, his movements looked so elegant and so charming. The robes surely seemed magical when clubbed with Wang Ji's mannerisms. And Wuxian almost forgot to blink. He was at a loss of words. 

Wang Ji looked at Wuxian and a slight disturbance in his eyes told Wuxian that Wang Ji was equally (if not more) mesmerized by Wuxian's appearance. The boys just looked at each other in awe before Wang Ji broke the silence and spoke, "The cab has arrived." 

And Wang Ji started walking towards the gate. Wuxian nodded, and quickly turned around, opened the drawer of their bedside, took something out and stuffed it inside his sleeve, rushing behind Wang Ji to catch up. Wang Ji was right. The cab had arrived. Wuxian locked the house behind him and sat with Wang Ji in the back seat, and the driver drove them off. 

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