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Wuxian showed no expression, almost as if he didn't notice that Wang Ji had rested his head against Wuxian's shoulder. But Wang Ji knew that Wuxian was just pretending not to notice. They both smoked like that until their cigarettes were consumed. After some time, Wang Ji said, "Wei Ying."

Wei Wuxian's eyes widened. He had never been called like this by Wang Ji. Actually, Wang Ji had never addressed him directly. He would just knock at his door or clear his throat, and that was enough to get all of Wei Wuxian's attention. It was the first time Wang ji, Lan Wang Ji referred to him by his name, and that too informally. Wuxian replied, trying not to sound too dazed, "Hmm?"

"My father wants to cut all ties with me." Wang Ji said in his usual tone, but Wuxian could practically hear the boy screaming in agony.

 "Why?" Wuxian asked. 

"Because I am a figure skater." Wang Ji replied. Now Wuxian had lost his calm, he recollected all the past memories and realized that he was so desperate trying to hide his own profession that he never paid attention to Wang Ji's affairs. He just assumed that the younger was a regular college student, and stayed late at libraries.

Wuxian got up and sat straight, facing Wang Ji. Wang Ji also got up and sat straight, facing Wuxian. Wuxian was mentally analyzing everything. Just like his own profession, figure skating was also a highly stereotyped career option. Men were not respected in this field and were often looked down upon for belonging to such a feminine industry. Wei Wuxian could understand why Wang Ji's father wanted to abandon his son. It suddenly made sense why Wang Ji never asked about his occupation. It was like his own life story all over again.

"I was offered to perform at the nationals. But my father wants me to quit. Otherwise he would cut all ties with me." Wang Ji said slowing, looking at Wuxian and then looking at the empty street, he continued, "I decided to leave figure skating and today was my last time at the stadium but I just..." Wang Ji trailed off. 

"You couldn't bring yourself to leave the stadium?" Wuxian asked staring deeply at the younger. Wang Ji simply nodded in agreement. Wuxian could understand everything. He could feel the same pain.

"You know Lan Zhan, I was forced by my father to prepare for medical, on the terms that he would let me go to art classes. But after I joined the medical college, he forced me to leave art completely, saying that it would make me gay, and such unnecessary things were for the women folk." After completing the sentence, Wuxian realised that he had broken an important Severe rule. He was not allowed to call Wang Ji informally. 

He looked at Wang Ji, waiting for his reaction, but he simply crossed his legs and probed, "And then?"

Wuxian smiled inwardly, it was probably a good day for breaking rules, and he continued, "Then I left my dream to suffice my father's expectations. However, there is no end to satisfying someone else. After some time my father wanted to marry me off to some girl he selected for me, and that's when I realized that to satisfy him, I would end up destroying my whole life, every means of happiness for myself would be torn away from me."

"Did you not want to marry?" Wang Ji asked. 

"At that time I was in love with my senior. So I told my father that I wouldn't marry as per his choice and he beat me, he called me a disrespectful, selfish son. Nothing changed my mind though. You know, love gives you the kind of strength you never knew you possessed in the first place." Wuxian smiled, feeling nostalgic about the old times, "He decided to cut all ties with me later. After that I decided to chase my dream again, and I don't regret anything." Wuxian had a different glow on his face. Even though he was sad, but he was glowing differently. 

Wang Ji was carefully looking at Wuxian. He asked, "Do you not miss him?" Hearing this question, Wuxian could practically sense his calm attitude reaching its limit.

"I do. But I want my life to be a plethora of my choices and not regrets. I am tired of devoting my whole life to meet someone else's idea of perfection and yet be regarded as a selfish son. No matter what you do, it will never be enough. Today he will ask you to leave figure skating, tomorrow marry as per his choice, then raise kids according to them and so on. Will you be happy with a life like that at the end?" Wang Ji was speechless, Wuxian's glow was practically exuding from his body. 

Wang Ji just looked down at his feet, not sure of anything. No one had ever said such unorthodox things to him. It all made sense but Wang Ji had never disregarded his father.

He was still looking down when Wei Wuxian stretched both his arms and placed his hands on Wang Ji's shoulders, he tightly clasped him and practically screamed in his face, "This is your life Lan Zhan! You have to live it, every day and every moment of it! The time lost in pleasing someone else will never come back. No matter how joyous it makes your dad, if you are dreadful, it's all a waste. The only person who should never be disappointed in you is YOU! Do you understan-"

Before Wuxian could complete, Wang Ji had already grabbed the older by his small pony-tail and pulled him in for an unexpected kiss. Wuxian's eyes widened to their limit this time. Wang Ji had already pulled off the hair-tie from Wuxian's hair and was now kissing Wei Wuxian with all his might. Wuxian was in a state of utter shock. His hands became limp on Wang Ji's shoulders and slipped to Wang Ji's chest on their own. Wuxian was not kissing back, he was in state to. He was being attacked like a hungry animal attacking his prey. Wang Ji's one hand was pressed firmly against Wuxian's now open hair. The kiss was so fierce that Wang Ji's upper body was hovering over Wuxian's. Wei Wuxian was falling further backwards from the force of it, so Wang Ji gently placed his other hand on the small of Wei Wuxian's back to support the older. Wuxian was simply looking at Wang Ji kissing him, and he had not the ghost of a clue of what he ever did to land in a situation like this.

After a good couple minutes, Wuxian was finally about to pull himself away, but Wang Ji pulled away first. Without wasting a single second, Wuxian got up and ran to his room as if hungry demons from hell were after him. The boy almost tumbled while running but nothing could stop him right now. His heart was beating like a drum. He entered his room and locked the door before allowing his shaky legs to pull him to the floor. After few minutes, he slowly got up and looked at his face in the mirror and seeing his own lips plump from being kissed so hard, his cheeks started tinting red without his permission.

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