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Wang Ji impatiently placed Wuxian on the bed and opened the side drawer hurriedly, pulling out a bottle of water-based lube. 

He sat between Wuxian's legs and spread them enough to get the view properly. 

Taking a generous amount of lube in his hand, he started rubbing it onto the sloppy opening. Wuxian was slowly loosening up, and Wang Ji was painfully patient about the whole process, carefully scissoring him open. He put two fingers in and kept adjusting them until they were easily slipping in and out.

"You're too good at this, are you a fuckboy at your college?" Wei Wuxian asked teasingly between his shallow breaths and soft moans. 

Wang Ji felt embarrassed beyond measure, he suddenly pushed a third finger in without warning, causing Wuxian to gasp loudly. It was sudden, but didn't hurt much. 

"I just don't wanna hurt you." Wang Ji whispered, his ears adorably pink.

Wuxian felt redness spreading all the way to his ears. His heart felt full.

"It's enough," Wuxian said softly. "I'm ready now."

Wang Ji nodded and gently took his fingers out. He placed Wuxian's legs onto his shoulders, straightened his back and slowly started pushing his shaft inside the older. He could sense unease in Wuxian's brows and so he slowed down further. 

"Please don't slow down!" Wuxian begged as he withdrew his legs from Wang Ji's shoulders and encircled his hands around his neck instead. He hooked his legs around Wang Ji's torso, giving himself a more comfortable position for what was to come next. 

"But-" Wang Ji started to refute even though his self-control was on the verge of snapping, he didn't want to act like a dog in heat and end up hurting his Wei Ying. 

"I don't care, just please go all in! I can't take this any longer," Wuxian screamed in agony, cutting him off. And that was it. Wang Ji quickly complied to his boyfriend's needy command, going all the way in all at once, and stopped. 

Wuxian drew in a sharp breath as his back arched off the bed, chest heaving.

Wang Ji pulled open Wuxian's pretty shoulder-length hair and caressed it softly, trying to comfort him. He peppered his face with soft kisses. He stayed like that for good few minutes, and when he felt Wuxian had finally relaxed enough, he started moving slowly. 

Wei Wuxian was moaning pretty loudly as Wang Ji was slowly, but steadily, hitting him in the deepest, most intimate parts of his body. As Wang Ji looked at the boy's debauched state, swollen lips, gorgeous body wearing nothing but garlands of hot-red hickeys, continuous moans escaping his lips, and their bodies connected deeply, Wang Ji could no longer hold on to himself. 

He suddenly increased the pace drastically, and Wuxian's moans instantly got so loud and high pitched that they could probably break glass.

Wuxian clutched at Wang Ji's back desperately as his prostate was abused in all the right ways. He could feel himself reaching the edge once more as the younger drove him higher and higher. His thighs started shaking and he drew them tighter around his boyfriend as lewd moans tumbled out uncontrollably out of his throat.

Wang Ji decided that he loves these sounds coming out of Wuxian and started thrusting in harder, chasing his own release, making Wuxian throw his head back onto the pillows, putting his throat on display as a deep groan rumbled out of him.

Wang Ji felt the sudden pang of possessiveness and bent down to mark his boyfriend, sinking his teeth into the juncture where Wuxian's neck met his shoulder.

Wuxian cried out, the slight pain pushing him over the edge, his walls tightening as he splattered all over their stomachs, his body trembling. His hands twisting into the sheets with a white knuckled grip.

Wang Ji groaned, the sudden pressure on his shaft and the visual impact of his beloved's pleasure struck face being too much stimulation. He came inside the elder's spasming body, his head falling onto the other's chest with the force of his orgasm. His body left shivering and turning his bones to jelly.

He breathed into Wuxian's neck as he came down from his high, both of them basking in the afterglow. He pressed soft kisses onto the bite mark on his boyfriend's neck, who giggled but made no efforts to move his wrung out body and was barely in a state to be called 'awake' anymore. 

He felt a little smug satisfaction as the mark started to bruise.

Wang Ji slowly detangled Wuxian's limp arms and legs from himself and gently placed them on bed. He brought a clean wet cloth and cleaned the boy who was drifting off to slumber. 

After cleaning, he gently and tenderly put Wuxian in a shirt, which was Wang Ji's so it was quite big on him. He then quickly dressed himself and got into bed with his lover. 

He turned the lights off, pulled the blankets over both of them and engulfed the sleeping Wuxian into a warm embrace. Wang Ji sighed in contentment as Wei Wuxian unconsciously snuggled in closer to him.

He placed a kiss on Wuxian's forehead and they both drifted off, just like that.


(don't worry, there are extras coming XD)

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