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Wei Wuxian was caught up in a recent project which forced him to over-work himself almost every night. Today was no exception. 

It was past midnight when Wang Ji knocked on Wuxian's door, who instead of coming out said, "You can come in." Wang Ji was pleasantly surprised. Wuxian never let him in his room, especially while he was working. Wang Ji knew that Wuxian was an artist, but not sure what type, exactly.

Wang Ji walked in the room for the first time, it was full of crushed papers scattered all around. Wuxian was sitting on the desk, wearing big rectangular glasses, working on the paper in front of him, in deep concentration. To Wang Ji, it seemed like a huge trash can with Wei Wuxian in the middle. Wang Ji kept the soup on one side and sat next to Wuxian. "Wei Ying, have some soup and then you can continue."

"Let me just complete this last illustration, and then I'll have it." Wang Ji started peeking into the paper. Reading some fragments he could understand that it was the manuscript of a manga. Out of all things, Wang Ji didn't think that Wuxian would be a mangaka. But it felt fitting to Wuxian's intense personality. All those nights when Wuxian stayed up working made sense now. 

After Wei Wuxian closed the notebook and took the soup bowl in his hand, Wang Ji asked, "What genre do you make?" 

"I like to bring social issues to light through my stories, and question the widely accepted public opinion through a satirical approach. You can call it slice of life, but its a bit more than that. I've written one manga on the life of a woman from a brothel, another one on relative hardships faced by people from different financial fragments of the society, and now I'm writing one on a gay romance."

Wang Ji stared at Wuxian in awe. "Wow" he said unconsciously. "That's lovely," he added. 

"It's not much," Wei Wuxian laughed. "I don't make much money out of it. People prefer cliched romance over realism." 

"But aren't you enjoying it?" Wang ji asked. 

Wuxian replied with a smirk, "Why else would I be drawing at 2 AM?" 

Wang Ji looked over Wei Wuxian's pretty lips and then back to his eyes, almost as if asking for permission. Wei Wuxian, unlike last time, was much more prepared. He knew he was starting to like Wang Ji and the younger also seemed quite fond of Wuxian. 

He stretched his hand to Wang Ji's face and placed his thumb on his chin, fingers curling under it. He brought his own face closer to Wang Ji's, but didn't kiss him just yet. Instead he waited there, just an inch away, enjoying the mild surprise on Wang Ji's features. Redness was starting to spread over Wang Ji's ears and younger hurriedly closed the gap between their lips. The kiss was more gentle this time, but also more intense and slow, mainly because Wuxian was responding to it. Relishing it rather. 

It was a moment of infinite trust and bonding for Wuxian. He had never told anyone close to him about his profession, and this was the very first time. It felt good to be able to open up to someone without feeling humiliated or judged. He never even told his Ah Xu-ah about it. He had never been able to trust someone as deeply as he was starting to trust Wang Ji. No one had ever really taken the effort of letting him open up at his own pace. People simply wanted to know because they were curious, not because they cared.

Even though his Ah Xu-ah wasn't like them, Wuxian still felt too insecure around him. As if knowing about his career could make his Ah Xu-ah look down upon him. Even though he knew Zi Shu would never judge him, but he still couldn't gather the courage to say it. 

But with Wang Ji, it felt like they were floating in the same boat. There was no explanation needed. Wang Ji just understood him. And sometimes when he didn't, he was okay with it. He didn't demand any answers or reasons. He was okay with not being able to understand everything, and that truly connected the two. Wang Ji's ability to accept without knowing everything, understanding everything, was truly attractive to Wei Wuxian.

Thinking about this made Wuxian smile into the kiss and Wang Ji took it as a call to deepen the kiss. He slid his tongue into Wuxian's mouth occasionally, and Wuxian liked to suck at the corner of Wang Ji's mouth. Wuxian slowly pulled away and Wang Ji stopped, slowly pulling himself back. 

"What's the name of that senior of yours?" Wang Ji asked in a low tone. 

Wuxian understood that Wang Ji was referring to the person he loved in the past, and so he replied, "Zhou Zi Shu."

"Why are you not with him?" Wang ji asked.

"He loves someone else, plus... I never told him." Wuxain said.

 Wang Ji looked at Wuxian carefully, interlocked his fingers with Wuxian's and asked, "Do you still love him?" 

Wuxian took a deep breath and said, "I have been trying to get over him for almost 2 years now. It was the hardest thing I've ever done, especially in the beginning, and living with him was only making it harder. So separating ways was the wisest thing I did. After meeting you, every thing suddenly became easier. I got so lost in trying to remember those rules, that I forgot that I was trying to forget someone." Wuxian said with a smile at the end but Wang Ji knew the pain of letting go. 

He looked at their intertwined fingers and said, "I think you should talk things out with him."

Wuxian pulled his hand away in confusion. But before he could respond, Gusu and Jingshi hopped into the room, making everyone very aware of their presence. "I'll put them to sleep." Wang Ji said and got up, hanging both of them on one arm, and he left Wuxian's room.

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