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It had been only 5 days since Wuxian and Wang Ji were officially together. But Wang Ji had already shifted all of Wuxian's clothes into his wardrobe, Wuxian's soaps and shampoos into his own bathroom and most importantly, Wuxian himself into his own room. They were now sharing the same room. 

Wuxian liked sleeping with Wang Ji beside him. He loved waking up to the feeling of Wang Ji's hands curled around his body. Wuxian would wake up feeling content to the bottom of his heart. He liked seeing their shampoo bottles standing next to each other, their clothes hanging side by side, their toothbrushes resting against one another, and most importantly, he loved Wang Ji's calm presence around himself. 

And Wang Ji? He simply loved pampering his Wuxian. He did the bedsheets, cleaned the rooms, arranged the clothes, did the laundry, and even did the cooking and he balanced all this with college and academy. And most religiously of all, he did Wuxian.

And Wuxian was like Wang Ji's tail. Wherever Wang Ji would go, Wuxian would follow. He'd chop vegetables in the kitchen while Wang Ji cooked, he helped Wang Ji is drying clothes after laundry, he distracted Wang Ji by visiting him at his academy. 

They melted into each other's lifestyles with such ease, it was as if they were carved to be each other's. And Wuxian cherished every moment of it.

The former room of Wei Wuxian was now transformed into a study. Because in their shared room, the kids (Gusu and Jingshi) would keep hopping around and it was quite distracting for Wuxian. So it was nicer to have a calm and quiet study area for doing the illustration work. There were two huge book-shelves which Wang Ji had bought from a sale because he insisted that Wuxian would need them in the future. There was a study table which was shifted from Wang Ji's room into this one. And there was a mattress on the floor, next to the table for resting. 

And while Wuxian was peacefully doing illustrations and proof-reading, his eyes fell upon something white stuck between the wall and the table. He pulled it out with his nail and found it to be a button. And that's when events from yesterday starting flooding into his head.


Wuxian was working on the same table. It was 9:30 PM, he and Wang Ji had already had dinner an hour ago and he was busy completing his draft for the next chapter of his upcoming BL-manga. He was distracted by a knock on the open door. 

"Come in Lan Zhan, you don't have to ask., Wuxian said casually and Wang Ji walked in with his usual serious face.

"Would you like to have something for dessert?" Wang Ji asked Wuxian who was still busy drawing his characters. Wuxian completed the dialogue, and Wang Ji waited patiently. Then Wuxian looked up, his eyes tiredly peeking out of the big frame of his glasses and he stretched his arms towards Wang Ji, his actions begging to be hugged by the younger. 

Wang Ji bent forward, removing Wuxian's glasses, and wrapping his arms around him as he lifted the boy up, and sat him on the table so they were facing each other now.  Wuxian snuggled into Wang Ji's neck, wordlessly telling Wang Ji that he was exhausted.

Wang Ji placed one hand on Wuxian's back, and with his other hand, he softly opened the elder's hair which were put up in a messy bun. Wuxian's thick black hair spilled open all over his shoulders, falling all the way down to his chest. Wang Ji took a lock of Wuxian's hair between his first two fingers and observed it, slowly stretching it as he moved his fingers, reaching closer to the tip of the hair. He was thinking back to the time when he first met Wuxian 10 months ago, his hair were only long enough to reach his shoulders, and now they were resting against his chest. 

"You like long hair?" Wang Ji spoke softly, and Wuxian hummed into the younger's neck. Wang Ji lowered his eyes, looking at Wuxian's beautiful hair, and he asked again, "Do you want something for dessert?" 

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