Meeting An Old Friend

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~Minx's POV~

After the three guys left I felt myself staring into Chilled's eyes. Ugh really Minx? I looked to another direction so Chilled wouldn't notice, which he probably did already. I then noticed the mansion's windows had some blood splattered onto it. Did somebody did that? It couldn't have been me, I was here with Galm, Smarty, and Chilled the whole time. I then felt a little worried for my friend's protection. "Hey Minx you hanging there?", asked Smarty. "Yeah I'm fine.", I walked down the stairs and looked out the window while the others followed me. "What? Did you do this Minx?", asked Galm. I shook my head 'no' and tried to find any clues who may have done this. I then found out that the splattered blood actually said something. I tried to read what it says but all I could get out are the words "H20" hm..seems familiar but I have no idea where it came from. The door knobs then started turning and twisting. "Move back!", I commanded, my friends backed up except Chilled who was by my side. "I don't want anything to happen to you Minxy.", said Chilled. My heart skipped a beat. DAMN IT! Stop thinking about him Minx. You can't like someone that you barely know. Then Smarty and Galm stepped besides me. I looked at the three, they are really good friends. The mansion doors opened as wind blew through and around the mansion. Markiplier, Bob, and Wade left the kitchen and stood by the stairs staring at the figure. I commanded them to leave but they stayed with me. A figure appeared and a gun was heard, as a bullet passed by my head, that would've killed me! Then Chilled hugged me. "Don't worry Minxy, it'll be alright!", I felt my face starting to heat up. "DAMN IT, I wasted my bullet just to miss you Minx!", said a some-what familiar voice. "How do you know my name!", I said with no fear. "Hm? And up to this day you still don't remember your good ol' pal? I GUESS THE BLOOD DIDN'T REMIND YOU!", the voice barked. A figure came into view, it was a guy wearing a grey shirt, blue jacket, he was holding a shotgun, and is wearing a hockey mask. It can't be.."I'm H20 Delirious!", said Delirious.

*Flashback of how Minx was friends with only H20 Delirious, and are like 5*

~Minx's POV~

I laughed as my friend Delirious chased me around the woods. "I'll get chu Minx!", he laughed. I tripped and fell on my face and started crying, it hurts! I want mummy! "Wah!", I cried. Delirious walked up to me and hugged me. "I got a boo-boo." (I can tell everyone is probably squealing at this point) "it's alright Minx we can go back to your mommy.", he tried to carry me but ended up dropping me, just for me to fall on my face and make me cry even more. "I'm sowwy Minx. I wish I was strong so I can take you to your mommy and daddy.", he sat next to me and I eventually calmed myself down. He took out a water bottle that said..H-2-Zero, he gave it to me. "Drink H20 Water Minx, I think it'll help.", said my friend. "It always helps me when I'm hurt.", he added. I nodded and drank the H20 Water bottle.

*end of flashback wooo*

Hello guys! It's me Im4RandomEpicn3ss here! I finally got another update woo! I actually had another chapter that was ready and a little different and longer than this. But for some reason I couldn't updated it which made me frustrated because it was a long nice chapter, but here is this chapter! So I hope you enjoyed. Im4RandomEpicn3ss out!

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