Chapter 1: The Rookies

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"Hello and welcome to this season of the challenge. My name is TJ Lavin and I'll be your host for this season. Now some of you can look around and see some familiar faces; however, some of you look brand new to the challenge. That's because we've got veterans and rookies and veterans you will choose your rookie of the opposite sex to be your partner for this challenge. That's right we are here for Fresh Meat 3," TJ said which got almost everyone excited but also worried because alliances would have to form soon. "Now vets you will be choosing who you want as your rookie based on random draw from this bag that I've got right here with all the veterans names. You have personal profiles on each of the players in front of you. Make sure to pick your rookie carefully because you never know what twists and turns may occur throughout the season," TJ said getting everyone anxious. Before I know it TJ is pulling out the veterans chips for the order that they will be selecting in. "Up first for the male veterans will be CT. The female veterans who will get to choose first is Kam," TJ said before CT and Kam stepped forward.

"Which one of you is Katalina since we don't have your pictures with our profiles," CT said as I stepped out from behind people. I mean I'm not the tallest, most intimidating looking female from this rookie class but I came in first on most things because I have heart. "Alright TJ I'll take Katalina," CT said as I walked over and greeted him. After CT choose me everyone else was being chosen and we were going through all the important details when TJ told us to rest up we'd start our challenge the next morning. As soon as we all got home everyone found their beds and then came towards the living room to sit down.

"Now, this is my job on all the challenges I've been on. So here we go, may we make connection, grow as people and hopefully no one gets hurt along the way," Johnny Bananas said as we all cheers and then we all moved apart from the big group and separating to our own conversation.

"Katalina, what is your full name and where the heck are you from," CT said while we were sitting with Cara Maria, some other rookies, Bananas, Wes, Derrick and Devin.

"My full name is Katalina Carrabelle Romano. I'm 24 years old originally from Sicily, Italy; however, my parents and I moved to the states when I was 16 years old. We live in Baton Rouge, Louisiana to help out some of my mother's family members. I'm very Italian apparently but I usually go by KC because it's easier than trying to say my name," I said rather quickly.

"Holy hell, we got our self some more Italians. Cara Maria you aren't the only Italian anymore. So, let's hear your story. How'd you get yourself to the challenge," Bananas said while teasing Cara Maria about being Italian.

"So, when we moved here while I was 16 I was a part of the Italian junior Olympic team for gymnastics. My parents wanted me to have an opportunity to go to Uni after I graduated from primary, I mean high school. I still get the words mixed up. I actually had never seen the challenge until my friend Tony told me that I'd be good on here. He was on the show for a while he said," I said rather quickly.

"Wait Tony, like Tony Ramos," Devin asked me while I looked at him confused for a second.

"Wait do you guys know Tony? I met him when I moved to Louisiana with my parents. He was in school with me. He was a senior my sophomore year. He and Alyssa have been in my life since I've lived in the states. Tony is a hot mess but he's my best guy friend from home," I said which caused people to nod.

"Well nice to know who that you know Tony and can handle his hot headedness. So then from your profile we didn't see much about you and how athletic you are. Obviously you just said you were a junior Olympic gymnastics member so that's super difficult. What else is there to know about you," Wes asked.

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