Chapter 7: Fighting Fire with Fire

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"Welcome challengers. Today we are playing "Fire Fighter". You will be in fire suits and you will be dodging flames that are being thrown by other team members. Today the veterans will be throwing flames while the rookies will be dodging the flames in an ultimate dodgeball game. The last team standing wins. Once your rookie is out the veterans are no longer to throw flames at anyone. You are out if the flame hits you, if you touch the beam you are walking on with your hands or if you fall off the beam into the water. Who's ready to play Fire Fighter," TJ said which got everyone clapping and getting suited up in their fire proof gear. Once we got set up and the beams were up in the air, the veterans were in their locations getting ready to throw their fireballs. We had to go into an order so the rookie males went first and Blake and Colten got knocked off the beam. The females then went and Sophalina and Carter were knocked off. The only people left would be Suzanne, Louisa, Allyson, Ashton, Austin, Harden, Joshua and myself were left. The male rookies went again and Harden, Austin and Joshua were knocked off. Us females went again and Louisa, and Suzanne were knocked off which left Allyson and I behind. The final round started and Ashton slipped off the edge of the beam and then hit Allyson on his way down knocking her off. I hadn't even had to move off the starting platform yet; all I have to do is cross the beam without falling off while Cara Maria, CT and Devin through flames at me. Which Devin didn't throw flames at me, CT threw the flames behind me and Cara Maria through them in front of me. I crossed the beam and landed on the safety pad securing first place for my team. "Looks like the winning team will be Katalina and CT. we have two losing teams Carter and Hunter along with Blake and Aneesa. Both teams will be going in elimination and we will be having a double elimination so two more teams will be nominated to be going down as well," TJ said and we all looked around. We all headed back to the house and my group of friends went to the porch swing to talk. I was sitting next to Devin on the swing. CT and Derek were on the swing next to us and Cara Maria, Bananas, Aneesa and Wes were sitting on the railing or in chairs looking at CT and I. I looked over to CT to tell him I was about to speak. "Since Aneesa is going into elimination I want to ask you Aneesa who do you feel comfortable going against," I asked her to get feedback. "I mean I'm the queen of the elimination I don't know how Blake will be but he's gotten this far without getting last and today was just a stupid hard challenge. I mean it would be nice to go against Kellyanne and Joshua since I know I could win against Kellyanne and Joshua doesn't seem like someone Blake couldn't beat. Now the real question is who do we throw down there to make sure that Hunter and Carter go home," Aneesa asked to which I looked at CT before I spoke. "Okay, stick with me. Laurel isn't out here with us which tells me she could careless about groveling at my feet or even liking me. Which I have given her no reason not to like me so I'm confused about that. So I wouldn't mind throwing her in against Hunter and Carter. Worse case scenario she is sent to the redemption house to go against Parker, Evelynn and Madeline to see which female comes back in the house from redemption and I bet they will have to keep the veteran rookie pattern so she'll either be coming back with her current partner, Austin, or with Rylan. I mean I know it's very frowned upon between veteran friends to throw their friends in but CT and I have the power and as part of the team that's had power 3 out of the 4 daily challenges we've had I'm kind of over Laurel thinking she's untouchable. So if you guys are okay with it I'm willing to take the big shot this week and call them both in. CT you won't have to speak I will do the speaking because then it seems like I made the decisions myself which is kind of what I want to happen. Unless anyone has a huge objections," I said as I looked around to see everyone's' faces but no one said a word. "Alright, sounds good. Aneesa I know you can handle this no questions asked just remember who gave you he team you wanted when you come back," I said before standing up and walking into the house to grab myself a glass of tea. Cara Maria's Confessional She's about to take a massive swing at the meanest bitch ever. She better hope that this pays off. Also that's kind of her to allow Aneesa to pick her opponent I'm glad she's not completely heartless but Laurel will be in for a complete shock when she gets sent down by Katalina. Girl came to play the game and seems to have more knowledge on the game than I thought. Bananas' Confessional Katalina is about to either make the greatest move of her rookie career or the biggest mistake of her rookie career. Laurel is not one to mess with. I mean I would pay to watch Laurel and Katalina do an elimination because I feel like those two together might be a scary combination. Either way Katalina taking the lead and having CT just go along for the ride may cause this team to crash and burn. I'm excited to watch it all happen. CT's Confessional My partner seems to think that we will win out. That Laurel is going to go down easy and that she can just walk to the final. I don't know whether to be worried about the situations she may get us in or proud of her for being ballsy and setting flames to the people who don't like her. Katalina's Confessional They all think this a suicidal mission and that I'm throwing Laurel in which will backfire on me. I don't think it will. I think they just aren't prepared for what is to come when she goes home. Because once the people that I don't want here go home then the fun begins and we see who turns on who first. My bet is Bananas, Wes and Aneesa are the first three to flip on CT and I. Also the notion of protect Devin will no longer be anybody's thought process so then that makes us an even bigger target because I'll go down protecting him. We all were approaching the backyard for tonight's elimination and by looking at the set up I knew that Laurel would struggle with this challenge because it looks team worked centered which she can't handle if people aren't moving her speed. "Welcome back to the backyard. Now Aneesa and Blake, and Hunter and Carter my two losing teams come and join me on the backyard. Now same as always I will need opponents for both teams. Katalina and CT are you guys picking the teams or are we doing vote in this week," TJ asked to which CT looks at me. "TJ, I will be personally picking teams to go in to elimination tonight for each team. Tonight for Aneesa and Blake, I talked to Aneesa and she said she felt most comfortable with Kellyanne and Joshua so they will be heading down to battle Aneesa and Blake. For Hunter and Carter I went with some I personally don't talk to and have no clue where their head is. I have decided that Laurel and Austin will be going down to battle Hunter and Carter," I said and at this point Hunter looks at me surprised but also happy since he realized this elimination is teamwork heavy. Laurel is angry and so pissed off with me. "Well it looks like you have chosen some really good match ups; however, it's not always that easy so. We are still having an elimination it will just be a multiple elimination as each team will be battling a set of mercenaries that will be decided by luck of the draw it seems. Now I guess I should show you who my mercenaries are. Come on out guys," TJ said as multiple people come out and I recognize one face who came in pointing at his watch. "Let's welcome our mercenaries: Tony, Camila, Jenna, Zach, Darrell, Dee, Turbo and Nany. Now these are some fierce competitors that I have up here with me. Katalina how does this make you feel knowing that all four teams could be sent off to redemption tonight," TJ asked me. "Honestly, I'm just excited to see my best friend down there and that I'm not one of the teams that has to go against your stacked mercenaries. Do I feel bad for the teams down there somewhat am I worried about repercussions from what I did absolutely not. I voted in those teams and whatever happens is what was supposed to happen. I just want to know what the teams are and then seeing what the match up comes out as and of course you explaining the game so we can watch the outcome," I said with a big smile on my face. "Of course. So the veteran teams that are here only upkeep of their reputations alone are team 1 Jenna and Zach, team 2 Turbo and Camila, team 3 Tony and Nany, leaving team 4 as Dee and Darrell. Now for the draw: white rock is team 1, blue rock is team 2, green rock is team 3 and red rock will be team 4. The elimination tonight is called Communication Commanders. For tonight's elimination one team member will be strapped to a revolving wheel the partner will have to turn by running away from it to a puzzle board. The spinning teammate will be calling out what puzzle blocks belong in which location on your puzzle board. Each puzzle peace must be put in the correct location and facing the correct way to be correctly identified. The only way for the challengers to win is if they finish the puzzles faster and more correctly than their opponents. You will only get one chance to submit the puzzle board so make sure that you communicate well. Your partner will not be able to see your puzzle board to make adjustments on the puzzle as you go. Each puzzle board will also have a different key so teams can't copy other teams. So who is ready to play Communication Commanders," TJ said which made me smile knowing that this is about to get crazy. The teams pulled rocks with Laurel pulling Darrell and Dee which I'm guessing is good because Wes said Dee is amazing and Darrell communicates well. Hunter ended up pulling and Nany which is nice to see since Hunter is on the lane in front of me and Tony will be battling next to him. Aneesa ended up pulling Turbo and Camila which isn't great but hopefully with the accents communication can get lost along the way and frustration can occur. That means that Kellyanne and Joshua are going against Jenna and Zach. I was watching as TJ had started the challenge and saw as many of the teams just took off and the females all were strapped onto the wheel. Each time the guys ran back and forth I could see the girls getting sicker and sicker. I was watching to see which teams would finish first and to my liking Dee and Darrell finished before Laurel and Austin, Aneesa and Blake finished before Camila and Tubro, Tony and Nany finished before Hunter and Carter and Kellyanne and Joshua finished at the same time as Zach and Jenna. "That was a good elimination now to notify our winning teams. Laurel and Austin you had 10/20 spaces correct and Darrell and Dee you guys got 18/20 spaces correct. Laurel and Austin you will be headed to redemption house. Aneesa and Blake you finished faster than Camila and Turbo who got the same number correct as you guys which was sadly only 12/20. Aneesa and Blake you will be headed back into the house. Tony and Nany you guys got 15/20 correct while Hunter and Carter got 14/20 so unfortunately Hunter and Carter you are also headed to redemption house. Jenna and Zach and Kellyanne and Joshua you guys finished at the exact same time; however, Kellyanne and Joshua you guys got 14/20 correct and Jenna and Zach got 18/20 correct. This means Kellyanne and Joshua you will be headed to redemption house as well. Challengers I told you that tonight was going to a double elimination; however, I didn't tell you that the teams leaving would head to the redemption challenge were they will take a turn battling the redemption team," TJ said which caught everyone's attention. "We hope you guys have a good night since it will be half of your last nights as teams. My final can only be ran by 5 teams. Last time I checked there were more than five teams up at safety. Now before my mercenaries go do you mercenaries have anything to say up to the contestants," TJ said which made everyone look at me. "Hey little butterfly, looks like you are hanging in there. Congratulations to getting this far. Congratulations to everyone that is still in the game and safe for tonight. It's so weird to be coming in as a mercenary instead of being in and playing this season. Hopefully little butterfly here has been representing Louisiana well. I can't believe nobody has tried to get rid of her annoying ass yet, jokes she is one of the most fierce person I've ever met. Now I can CT is her partner which that's good, did she chose you or did you chose her," Tony asked up to the group. "Oh we mutually choose each other. Also you call her butterfly? I'm guessing a story behind that little one," CT said as he rubbed my shoulder and I smiled and nodded. All the other mercenaries looked at all of us before Camila I believe was her name asked the most important question. "Veteran girls who is the scariest rookie female? Veteran males who is the scariest rookie male? Eliminated people can answer as well," Camila said. Everyone was quite waiting to see who would talk. "I'll answer you Camila. The scariest female rookie has to be Katalina because she will have you out the door before you even release that something was going on. I mean I know that we weren't close but I didn't realize how scary she until she convinced every single veteran to go with her plan to send people in that they are friends with in the outside world. She is something else and I guess I didn't realize it until after I was already down here on the elimination floor. Also the fact that the only time she has lost a daily challenge was when she was taken to the hospital for crashing into the rocks at the daily challenge. I definitely underestimated the girl," Laurel said which made me smile slightly because I knew I had done what I was supposed to do. We returned to the house to get a text from TJ telling us that tomorrow we would have a daily challenge tomorrow that you wouldn't want to lose; which got a lot of us concerned.

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