Chapter 6: Daily Wars

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"Welcome challengers, are we ready for our next daily challenge. Today's challenge is called Switch Up. Each rookie will be going against other rookies. We will get a line up from first to last and rookies will be choosing their new veteran partners or they can choose to keep their veteran. So everyone get ready, veterans you get to watch and cheer on the rookies that you want to win. In today's challenge called Switch Up the rookies will be swimming our and diving down to get the piece that are underwater. You will bring all the pieces back and have to solve three different tangram puzzles. After the first puzzle is finished the rookies will be running through the woods to get the next bag of puzzle pieces to come back and solve the next puzzle. After finishing the first two you will have to get a shovel and dig out the last bag of puzzle pieces. Rookies take your places now," TJ said as everyone got to their places and then he started us. I ran straight into the water and started swimming fast until I got to the diving area and dove straight down finding my pieces unclipping them and swimming myself back to my puzzle board. I undid my back and got my tangram pieces and did my tangram in record speeds. I see three other rookies are at the boards as I take off running for the next set of pieces. I grabbed my pieces and started coming back. On my way back I was passed by the male rookies and Allyson heading to their puzzle pieces. I got back and opened up my puzzle pieces and saw that it was word spelling and started working through them. As I finished spelling everything out and called for a check the male rookies were working on the puzzles. Most females were not at the board because they were out running while Allyson was just coming back to the board to start solving the words. I got the okay to grab my shovel and start digging which I digging and struggling because my back was hurting so I got rid of the shovel and laid down and started digging with my hands until I felt something at this point the guys have caught up with me and were pulling their pieces out as well. I opened the bag and noticed that it was a number puzzle and I started to figure it out. As soon as I felt that I figured it out I called for a check right before Ashton called for a check. I was confirmed correct and so was Ashton. We watched as all the other rookies finished up. "Alright rookies some of you were pathetic some of you were outstanding. Our most outstanding rookie was Katalina. So Katalina please choose whether you are sticking with CT or switching," TJ said which caused me to smile at all the veterans. "I'm gonna stick with my veteran CT because I hope he would stick with me too," I said which got claps from most veterans as CT ran out and picked me up gently and took me back with him. "Now for the rest of the female rookies Allyson you finished second and then Parker you finished third, Sophalina you finished fourth, Carter you finished fifth, Louisa you came in sixth and Suzanne came in last. Suzanne what happened," TJ asked. "TJ I don't know how to swim so I couldn't do the swimming portion so I had to take the twenty minute time penalty there before I could move on to the running portion. I sucked TJ I know," Suzanne said. "All right Allyson you are up. Would you like to stick or switch your veteran," TJ said. "I love my partner in Bananas but to keep the house from imploding and causing issues. Bananas I'm going to switch from you to Devin. I need to protect my best friend and this the best way to do it," Allyson said which made me smile at her. "Bananas what would you like to say about your partner leaving you for Devin," TJ said. "It's for the best for the house. We need to split up Parker and Devin because Parker is causing a lot of problems and all of us veterans have already talked about it and knew that as soon as a switch was possible someone else was taking Devin to help protect from Parker being a psycho," Bananas said. "Also if you chose me Parker you can best bet I throw the next daily challenge and get us sent to elimination so that you can go home. I'll gladly send you home to fix the house and put more peace in it," Bananas said. "Alright Allyson go join your new partner Devin and hopefully that will help the house relationships and helping the house being less dramatic," TJ said as Allyson walked over and hugged me first before going to Bananas and then Devin. "Alright Parker so your partner was chosen so now you will need to switch and choose a new partner. Who would you like to choose," TJ asked and Parker decided to choose Corey which I felt really sorry for him. So then by the time we get to Suzanne she chose to be Bananas partner. We then went through the males and they decided to all stick with their partners except for Ashton switched to Cara Maria and Blake flipped over to Aneesa. "Alright looks like we have a few new teams but most of the teams stayed. I forgot to mention that Suzanne's team would be going into elimination and Katalina's team is safe this week as the winning team. See you tonight at the backyard to see who will be leaving us," TJ said as he left and I apologized to Bananas for him being sent straight into elimination after the change up. "Hey it's fine, don't worry about it," Bananas said before pulling Devin over to us. "Take care of my former partner Allyson and make sure to take care of Katalina and none of this was in vein," Bananas said with a big smile and reassuring everyone that it was okay. We all went back to the house and then just relaxed until we had to leave for the elimination. Katalina's Confessional I'm so excited for my best friend coming in and switching up to save Dev from Parker. I'm so excited for the future that was coming and what will happen for the rest of the challenge. Devin's Confessional Thank god, princess's best friend finished ahead of Parker so that she could steal me away from the horribleness that is Parker. It sucks that Bananas will be sent straight into elimination since Suzanne his new partner finished last out of everyone. On the bright side we may be able to send Parker home. Bananas' Confessional I'm not thrilled I'm with Suzanne but she killed her first elimination and I feel like she could kill this next one as well. She's been struggling so far but she will be okay. I'm proud of Allyson for saving Devin from Parker and making so Parker has to be Corey's partner so that we can send home those two. I'm so proud of Allyson for being an amazing friend to Katalina and protecting her from the evil of Parker. Parker's Confessional So they think by making partners will Corey that I'll go away and that I won't cause any more problems. I'm no going to become a hurricane of hatred towards Katalina for being a difficult person and for stealing Devin from me. "Welcome to the backyard, it's time for elimination. Bananas and Suzanne you are down here since Suzanne finished last. Now it's time for Katalina and CT to chose between them putting in a team or for the group to vote in a team," TJ said which caused everyone to look at us. "I talked to all the veterans about this and all the male veterans volunteered to go in if Parker chose them as her teammate after a switch up/ if we didn't switch up that Parker's team was going in this week. I'm sorry to do this for Corey; however, Parker you need to get yourself down there to compete," I said with a slight smile of the inside and a straight face outward. "Alright so tonight's competition will not be a switching teams event. The elimination tonight is called hanging around. The goal of today is for you to hang on as long as possible to the ring that is suspended between the two of you. It'll be in rounds first team to three wins this elimination round. Take your places females you are up first," TJ said and Suzanne and Parker took their places and were hoisted up and held on to the ring. The round started and Parker started trying to pull it towards herself and slipped off the ring. Meaning Suzanne won the first round, Bananas went and Corey threw it so Bananas won. Then it came back to Suzanne versus Parker again and this time Suzanne pulls hard and Parker just lost her grip. Suzanne and Bananas will be coming back into the house. "Alright Bananas and Suzanne you will be going back into the house. Corey and Parker I'll see you at redemption," TJ said as we all leave. I hugged Suzanne and Bananas since they eliminated Parker. I was happily standing there getting ready to walk with everyone when I was picked up and spun around and I started laughing and smiling. I was then put down and Devin grabbed my hand. "No more Parker to deal with. Thank god. Now I can hang out with you but not having to worry about Parker being in the house with us or being my partner. No more hatred coming towards us. I'm so happy," Devin said as he kissed my forehead. "Remember we are playing a game still so we hang out with everyone. CT told me couples or groups that isolate themselves end up getting sent home easily. I said with a smile. Devin nodded in agreeance before we got on the bus with everyone. Before we even made it home there was an argument on the bus coming from some of the rookie girls. "It's your fault Parker is no longer here. If you could have at least tried to see where she was coming from we wouldn't have had any issues. It would have helped as well if you weren't sleeping with her partner at the time. I mean what makes Katalina so great that everyone is siding with her to send Parker home. Why can't we send Katalina home. Like why does it always have to be everyone who disagrees with her is in the wrong," Carter said which made a lot of people look at her. "I get what you are saying but it's not because we all love Katalina more than we loved Parker. It's just Katalina doesn't try to start a bunch of drama. Plus you guys ganging up on Allyson for standing up to you guys when you were talking about Katalina while she wasn't there to defend herself was brutal. Like why do you have to have a group of girls gang up and talk shit behind someone else while they aren't there to defend themselves," Suzanne said which caught everyone by surprise since usually she's quiet and sits back and observes everything that happens. "I will explain to once why I do what I do and that will be the end of it. Parker and I have become best friends and listening to all the things Katalina has done to rub her and Devin into her face is not nice. Especially since Katalina is a rookie like all of us. I mean I don't know Katalina's or Devin's side of the story so I have no clue who is in the right or in the wrong. I just know that my friend Parker was hurting because of how Devin acts around Katalina and how Katalina acts around Devin. I don't want anything to be personal and I don't want issues I just want to know the truth from Devin and Katalina I guess. Katalina did you go after Devin because you knew Parker liked him or did you genuinely have no clue? Devin did you pursue things with Katalina knowing that Parker liked you or were you oblivious to the fact your partner liked you? Follow up question did you even talk to Parker about liking Katalina or had you written off talking to your partner unless told to talk to your partner," Sophalina asked which had really good questions in there. "Look, I didn't want any drama between Parker or anybody. I was constantly checking in with Devin to see if Parker was okay. I admit I should have just asked her myself but she could have also talked to me about it. Now as for why she had to go home and not me; it was simply because she caused more of the fights. Throwing drinks and getting into altercations at the bar then apologizing about said altercations to them talk behind my back about everything after she asked me to be friends again that morning. I mean I didn't want any issues and I told her that to her face. I'm a very easy person to get along with. As for shoving Devin and I in her face, I'm unsure to what she was referring to. Devin and I are really good friends and that's all we've been. We haven't acted that couplie in front of anyone or on our own so I don't understand how she was upset by me being friends with her guy partner. Also just because I'm a rookie doesn't mean that I have to run everything I do past all the rookies before doing it. We are rookies yes but we are not teammates. Our only teammates are our veterans. I would gladly sit down with anyone who wants to hear my side of all the drama. Now I would like to address the statement of Parker liking Devin. I had no clue because if I did then I would have talked to Devin about and we did talk about Parker liking Devin after Parker told me she liked Devin. Also what are talking about pursuing things? Devin and I hang out with all the veterans around and rarely are alone. We join conversations with most people. We rarely communicate by ourselves and when we do it's about our home life and what we are missing. You can't blame people for how they react to situation that they have no clue about. If everyone thought that Devin and I were a couple why wouldn't anyone just out right ask to get an answer from us. You can't go speculating behind peoples backs and talking about them as if it'll never get back to them. Devin is my friend and someone I trust with a lot of my person secrets back home, I also tell them to CT and Cara Maria who happen to be my friends as well. Derek and I have become closer the last few days as well does that mean that I'm hooking up with him as well. NO!!! It means that I'm making connections that I will have for when we leave this game and when we get back to the real world. I'm not sorry for building complex multifaceted relationships while being here. If you have an issue about who I am bringing me the reasons and have a conversation with me and we could possibly resolve the conflicts. I'm not a difficult person to deal with in any sort of way. I'm a very chill and relax person and I don't want drama or any issues while we are in the house. I try to bring all conflict done to zero because that is what I'm trained to do in my job along with just how my personality is; however, I do call it how I see it. My personality is blunt honesty with people whether they like it or not. So for anyone that has Parker, Devin, Katalina drama you have until we get off the bus to squash it, leave it in the past or deal with the repercussions that come from continually running your mouth on a subject that you don't kno fully about. Thank you for defending your friend Carter, Sophalina, Suzanne, and Allyson," I said as I turned to look out the windows as the bus feel into a quiet hum of the motor running and everyone just listening to what was going on outside. CT's Confessional Well my partner is not one to take bullshit lightly it seems. God damnit her law background is going to stir up some more troubles with us since she is such an amazing competitor already. I need to talk to her about laying low for a while now that she's having everyone burying the Parker drama. Laurel's Confessional Don't get me wrong I still don't think Barbie is made for this game and I still don't like her but damn can she silence a whole group with her words. Barbie has a backbone and can stand up for herself which is actually really cool. I wish her physical abilities matched her abilities to speak and cause drama. Devin's Confessional There she goes fighting the battle by herself without making anyone seem like they were at fault. She must be a damn good lawyer because she can single handedly quiet an entire bus because of her points she puts forward. Damn that makes her so much hotter. Why did you guys have to put on an intelligent badass female this season. Derek's Confessional Looks like little one is going to fight verbally, physically, and psychologically in this game. Us veterans better watch out because it seems she is coming for our titles with how well she is playing this game right now. Bananas' Confessional Okay I know for sure that CT didn't teach her psychological warfare when it comes to the challenge so where every she learned that is amazing. She's got these rookie females terrified to be on the other side of her now. My new partner finally opens her mouth to speak and it's to defend Katalina while not tearing Parker to shreds but the other rookie females that were ganging up on Allyson for defending her friend Katalina. Like where the fuck did she get the courage to speak out and cause people to be bitter. Sophalina's Confessional I guess my questions were answered and I don't know whether to believe what Parker had been saying about Katalina or Katalina for what she just said. I mean Katalina was very upfront about everything that I asked her except for answering directly whether she was in a relationship with Devin but I mean we can all see it even if they haven't made it official yet. As everyone got off and went into the house it was quiet and everyone sat in the living room. "Can we all start over and pretend that this is our first day in the house again? Like drop old grudges and mindsets and try again? Because I would really like to think we can all be great friends. Why don't we have a party tonight and celebrate," Carter said which was one of the people to spearhead the I hate Katalina campaign. Everyone nodded and sort of went with what was going on. I was sitting there chilling out when the veterans pulled me aside. "Hey little one, we got a question for you. Would you be upset if we were to target Carter and Hunter as our next people to kick off. They seem to be a group we can't get along with. Some other options would be Kam and Cody or Harden and Kacey or Joshua and Kellyanne. Letting Kellyanne stay late in the challenge is a bad idea because she can also perform well in a challenge. Now we don't know how to start about going through all of this," CT asked me. "I mean whatever you do just let me know before it happens. I want you guys to figure out which is the best way to get to the final for all of us," I said before smiling at everyone. "You are one spicy one aren't you? I mean you have been killing it in the challenges and you are so kind. Like what the hell are you doing to make sure people aren't hating you as you go," Cara Maria said which caused me to look around and then smile. "I mean I'm just honest with everyone. I don't like dishonesty. I like the facts because that's what everyone looks at in the real world. You can't just take opinions without backing them up and making sure that there is not lies. I need honesty and I will be honest with everyone even if it hurts," I said which made everyone nod. The veterans continued on with their conversations as I laid down on my bed and closed my eyes because I was tired.

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