Chapter 3: elimination gone wrong

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"Welcome to the first elimination. Now, we have one team Nelson and Suzanna for getting last in the daily challenge you will be going against the team that our winning team choses. Now our winning team holds all the power or they can pull the ultimate betrayal and have every safe team vote for another team to force another team into elimination as a 'house vote'. The choice is yours CT and Katalina," TJ said which causes a good amount of problems with us and I look at CT and he nodded as if saying trust me.

"TJ we are going to force a house vote," CT said which caused me to look across at Devin giving him the trust me eyes to which he nodded.

"Alright, CT and Katalina you guys will be the tie breaking vote if needed. Veterans I'll be coming to you for your decision now. Bananas," TJ said.

"TJ I have a few people here who don't like me so TYB I'm choosing Corey and Madeline," Bananas said which was a nice surprise to me.

"Alright that's one for Corey and Madeline, Cara Maria who's your pick," TJ said.

"TJ, I'm going to follow Bananas and vote Corey and Madeline. Because of Corey's blow up in the house and the danger he put one of my new friends in," Cara Maria said.

"Corey and Madeline, that's two votes. Corey what's your teams vote," TJ said.

"I'm going to say Rylan and Evelynn just because fighting in the challenge house is a no go. Start a fighting and pulling someone else in the middle of it is definitely not the way to do things," Corey said which I nodded agreeing with him.

"2 votes Corey and Madeline, 1 vote Evelynn and Rylan. Wes were does your vote sit," TJ said.

"I'm going to agree with Cara Maria in this case and vote in Corey and Madeline," Wes said making it three to one.

"Alright veterans raise your hand if you are going to vote for Corey and Madeline," TJ said and then Derek K, Laurel, Devin, Kam, Aneesa, Kacey, Tori, Kellyanne, and Evelynn all raised their hand. "Corey and Madeline come on down to the elimination grounds. This season elimination grounds are called the backyard. For all games that happen in the backyard may not stay in the backyard. For tonight's elimination it's called 'Blindly Trust'. One person of the partnership will be blindfolded and placing puzzle peace that their partner is guiding them to. The nonblindfolded person is not allowed to touch any of the pieces or their partner until their partner has finished the puzzle," TJ said. "Also I forgot to mention that you will be doing two different puzzles. After the first puzzle is finished then the blindfold will switch to the other person and complete the puzzles. Once all four puzzles are completed the fastest female and fastest male will become partners and come back into the game. So good luck to the competitors tonight," TJ said which made me look at CT who just squeezed my shoulder. We watched as all the four of them did their puzzles and worked through their partnership. "Okay the fastest male was Corey; the fastest female was Suzanne. So, I'm sorry to say that Nelson and rookie Madeline you are eliminated from the active players. Say goodbye to everyone who is headed back to the house. I'll see you guys tomorrow midday for our next daily challenge," TJ said as we all got up and went to leave and head back to the house.

Katalina's Confessional

So TJ didn't say that they were leaving the challenge and that there time here was done. I have a feeling we will see them in a battle back at some time. We don't have a challenge until tomorrow at midday so I'll get to hang out with everyone when I get back to the house for the rest of the night and tomorrow morning.

Corey's Confessional

So, I got a new partner and I'm headed back into the house. The first thing I need to do is apologize to Katalina for putting her in a rough situation. It was not right to pull her in between us whether I did it or whether Rylan did it. After everyone said that this was a scary situation and they were worried about what was going to happen and whether she was going to get hurt from being pulled into the middle. I mean Devin, Kam, Aneesa and Tori who are all friends of mine outside the house had words for me, especially Devin which is one of my homeboys now.

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