Chapter 11: Risky Reunion

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"Hello I'm your host Lolo Jones and welcome to this season of the challenge reunion: the challenge Fresh Meat 3. We have rookies and veterans alike and there was definitely some drama to talk about from the season. Also we need to announce our season winner since that was not told at the end of the final challenge. So let's welcome the cast of The Challenge: Fresh Meat 3. The veterans for the females: Laurel, Aneesa, Cara Maria, Tori, Evelynn, Kellyanne, and Kacey and Kam. The veteran males: CT, Derek, Corey, Nelson, Hunter, Wes, Bananas, and Devin. The rookie males: Ashton, Rylan, Blake, Austin, Cody, Colten, Harden and Joshua. And finally your rookie females: Allyson, Suzanne, Carter, Sophalina, Louisa, Madeline, Parker and Katalina. Now before anymore goes on I just got to ask was anyone surprised by some of the rookies and how they were playing this game," Lolo Jones said. This caused for a few hands to be raised in the audience as well as a few of the rookie males, and veterans hands to be raised. "Okay let's start with you Corey. What was something a rookie did this season that was uncommon for a rookie and helped shaped this season," Lolo said. "Okay first off it's not rookies as in more than one rookie. I mean the male rookies didn't do anything that their partners advised them not to do. Female rookies had Parker being all over the place and her friends supporting her. But then you have Katalina," Corey said and paused because the crowd was cheering like crazy. "No matter what CT did or said Katalina had her input into it and for fucks sake Devin you might not have made it as far as you did if it wouldn't have been for that girl. Hell as soon as all of us veterans heard Katalina speak and she sounded so kind and compassionate and like she came there for a reason. Then you get to see the actually Katalina who is that person but she also has a way with words and making the situations bend the way she wants it to. I mean Katalina straight destroyed everyone this season, myself include," Corey said which caused for a lot of clapping. "Now, Laurel I see your hand was raised as well which rookie or rookies threw you off guard," Lolo Jones said. "I'm going to have to echo Corey on this one. I met Katalina asked her a simple question and she seemed so nice barbie princess style and that she would never get her hands dirty especially after she pulled the vote the first elimination. I was awful talking about her in my confessionals and after thinking back about everything boy was I wrong. I thought that CT was the mastermind behind a lot of their team moves. Turns out Katalina pulled the strings like a veteran would as a rookie. I'm sorry CT you were just there to do the physical lifting when she needed a little help otherwise I believe she would have done everything herself. I was wrong about Katalina and I'm sorry for not realizing you were a lot more than what I originally thought of you," Laurel said which made me smile. "Also to clear up what Laurel said about the moves being made. After little one and I got randomly thrown in because of the rock draw she told me that she wouldn't allow any sort of picking that wasn't coming from her mouth. Now as for the blindside of Laurel throwing her down into elimination against Hunter. I take absolutely no credit for that. We were all sitting on the porch and Katalina asked Aneesa who she wanted and she said Kellyanne and then Katalina said the only team she thought that stood a chance against knocking Hunter and Carter out would have been Laurel and Austin and then she was like if Laurel doesn't win that doesn't affect me and if she does win then she's got to beat me in a daily challenge to send me in. Katalina didn't pull any punches and she was very precise on when she wanted to attack and who she was going to attack without tipping people off before hand. It was actually very scary at one point I just smile and nodded when she looked at me because I didn't know what wheels were turning in her head. Don't get me wrong she's one of the nicest humans you will ever meet but do not cross her in anyway because once you burn that bridge it's crispy burnt and there is no repairing it," CT said to which everyone laughed. "Alright Katalina women of the hour it sounds like. This season was difficult on you. Before the first elimination got yanked into the middle of Corey and Rylan's fight. Second daily challenge you were medically evacuated with possible spinal injury and concussion. Then you are released to come home and everyone is going out and Parker picks a fight then you get thrown into elimination by your accidental draw of the wrong rock. Win elimination to come back and have to deal with more drama from Parker and other rookie girls. Then we made it to the finals where you tripped and hurt yourself. How difficult was this season on you and how was finishing the final while being very broken feel," Lolo asked me. "This season was something unreal let me start by saying that. I mean I had a total blast and made a bunch of new friends that I will keep for a long time. I mean yes it didn't always go my way I mean being drug in between a male fist fight is not fun. Practically bruising your entire back and then doing a running weight challenge with a backpack two days after was not ideal. Then we get the drama over silly miscommunication that had occurred throughout the season so far leading up to the blow up. Then after all that we had the finals were I was rocking it until a tree root or tree branch still don't know to this day which one tripped me. I broke by tibia, fibula, ankle and metatarsals from that branch. I mean I finished the last part of that stage and the final stage by dragging my foot behind me and just pushing through with my adrenaline. It wasn't until afterwards when the medics are like this is really serious and they may have to amputate my foot off that I really messed up my leg. I mean I have 7 plates, 15 screws, and 4 rods in my lower leg and foot holding it all together under this nice cast. I actually was only released from the hospital yesterday because of all the damage and surgeries that they had to do. I mean I pushed through and finished the final which was the one thing I wanted to do," I said with a smile as some people cheered. "I'll tell you what that girl is tough. I remember back in my first season when Nicole rolled her ankle in the final and couldn't finish it and started bawling her eyes out. Then I heard about what happened with Katalina a rookie who broke 4 different bones but still hobbled her way across the finish line after climbing up a 120 foot mountain. Like girl deserves her props," Kam said which made me smile. "Okay, so moving onto announcing our third place winners who will be splitting $125,000. Derek and Louisa. You guys did fantastic and had the other teams not had thrown their penalty times on you it may have been a different answer to our third place team. Now moving onto the drama that started in the house. All this drama was over a boy. Parker, Katalina have you talked since filming wrapped. Devin have you talked or seen either one of these lovely ladies since filming wrapped," Lolo asked us all. I looked over to Devin and then to Parker nodding at Parker to go first. "Yes, I reached out to Katalina after the finals were over and I knew everyone was coming back to the states. We've texted and called about the situation that occurred while filming. I really don't know what the hell I was doing those few days and why I was acting so terrible towards her. We've talked about it and we agreed that we could be friends; however, she does owe me a free drink toss so maybe I'll let her have that while she's hurt," Parker said which made us all laugh. Devin then looked to me and I nodded. "I mean I have been in the hospital up until yesterday but I've been texting, calling and facetiming everyone while also balancing my fulltime job from my hospital bed. It's been interesting for sure; however, Parker and I are good we had a full conversation about everything that has happened. Before you ask Laurel and I are good as well we have talked about what she said during her confessionals and about her dismissive behavior towards me as well. I mean I'm on good terms with almost everyone on the cast. There are only 3 people from this cast that I don't talk with because of their behavior while filming and because of their behavior while not rolling and at the house. I will not be saying names but they know who they are. Also I mean I haven't gotten the chance to really see anyone since I was in the hospital and in and out of all these surgeries," I said which caused me to smile and also ohhh at me calling out 3 castmates. "I mean what can I say. I've talked to Parker and Katalina about the situation that happened and we agreed it should have never happened and apologies were made and friendships were formed. As for seeing either one of them I mean I had a sit down with Parker where we facetimed Katalina and talked. I also went and say Katalina yesterday when she was getting out of the hospital with Derrek, CT and Tony. So I mean you could say I have seen both girls since filming has wrapped but in completely different timelines and for completely different reasons," Devin said which made everyone aww at him. "Get this. So Devin talked to Tony and found out yesterday was Katalina's release date so he arranged for Derrek, Tony, myself and him to pick her up from the hospital to bring her home to her house were her actual family and her challenge family were waiting there as a surprise party. He planned all of this knowing that the reunion would be the next day in Baton Rogue down where she lives," CT said which caused a lot of the crowd to cheering and clap for what he did. "It was so nice of him to do all that Devin. Can you tell us why you did all of that for her," Lolo asked him trying to catch him off guard. "I mean the girl deserves it she's been in the hospital for weeks. She broke 4 bones and had multiple surgeries to fix it and she just wanted to see her family. It worked out really well that the reunion was the next day in the same city so I could just have everyone come over to here place for the night. Tony was so helpful in getting everything together in Baton Rogue while I was getting in contact with everyone about coming a day earlier so that we could have this party to celebrate her leaving the hospital which is always something to celebrate," Devin said causing the crowd to get extra loud again. "So there you have it folks Devin and Katalina are still not an actual couple, Katalina has buried most of the hatchets, CT was carried by his partner and come back to find out who won first place," Lolo said as we went to a commercial break and Devin moved over to sit by me and talk to me as CT started rubbing my shoulders from behind me. "Hey princess, how are you feeling," Devin said knowing that I was tired and probably in pain. I smiled at him before thinking how to reply. "I'm okay but I am in some pain right now. I mean I'm doing pretty well for what could be going on," I said but was interrupted as some of the rookies I haven't talked to approached us where we were sitting. "So with what you just said do we have an issue since I haven't come up and talked to you," Rylan said as he sat down with Carter and Sophalina both behind him. "I don't have issues with anyone but I don't really like your behavior of bashing people in groups instead of just talking your issues out with the person. Ganging up on others is not cool and being a bully is not cool either. I know that we haven't really communicated about it and part of the reason is because I was in hospital. I am more than willing to sit down and talk with you after the reunion is done filming so we can talk out everything and become friends or acquaintances. As I said I don't have issues with you and don't think you are bad people I just believe the way you handled situations that went on this season was a little uncool. Now I believe we are starting back up so if you'd like to talk to me afterwards I'll wait here for a little while and you can come talk to me," I said with a smile as the girls nodded and started walking away. Rylan on the other hand had to put his two sense in. "I don't think I want to talk to someone that says one thing and then does something completely different. You are a liar and a very untrustworthy person. I don't know how you actually think we can be on good terms after how bad your portray everyone around you. Wonder if everyone knows how twofaced you're or have seen your confessionals. You are a vile human being and I don't want anything to do with you," Rylan yelled which caused most people to look over and Devin, CT, and Derrek to all stand up and start to move towards Rylan. "That's okay. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion of me. I'm sorry that you have that opinion of me; however, I don't believe shouting at me and calling me names will solve our problems. I already said that I would gladly have a sit down with you about everything that happened and we can discuss how to move forward. You have declined that offer so we will proceed as people who didn't even meet or don't know each other which I find very sad as I feel like we could have become friends. I'm sorry you have such a horrid taste in your mouth about me but there is nothing I can do to change that and you've made it very clear so let's agree to disagree about never talking to each other again unless we would like to resolve the conflict," I said with a straight face and kindness laced in the words. Rylan looked at me and stormed back over to his chair, as he left Devin looked at me smiling and shaking his head before heading back over to his seat by Allyson. We all were in our seats as Lolo started back up the reunion. "This season was filled with ups, downs, sass, and sarcasm. Let's take a look at some of the viewers and my favorite moments from this season," Lolo said getting a cheer from the crowd. The first moment that popped onto the screen was Bananas speech about nobody getting hurt then quick edit cut to me flailing into the rocks, me falling down the stairs, then me tripping over the branch, then me pushing Devin into the pool followed by CT throwing me. These moments made me smile and laugh while looking at Bananas. The next montage of videos was the bits and pieces of everyone's confessional after initial meeting the rookies and how kind some of the rookies were and then after the first daily challenge how most people reacted about the rookies doing so well in the first daily challenge. They show the moments CT and I had talking about Diem both at the beginning and when Derrek joined in out of the porch which made my eyes water as I looked over at CT. The next series was of me the bar brawl and then the argument between the rest of the rookie girls and Allyson and myself. One of the last was of me telling all of the veterans that were outside that I wasn't scared of Laurel and that she was going in whether I had to put her down there or whether I had to call her out if I landed in the bottom. The video stops rolling and everyone claps before Lolo starts speaking again. "Katalina it looks like you are the biggest klutz that has been on the challenge. Like how in the heck do you fall down the stairs, and trip over a branch and break four bones yet you are a competition beast and only lost one daily challenge the entire season," Lolo asked me as people started laughing. "Well I believe all my castmates will agree with me when I say that I am the least coordinated most athletic person I've met. I mean you ask me to try and walk in a straight line without falling over I'm going to fall over. You tell me watch my feet placement or I'll fall 100% of the time I'm falling. Anyone in the house can tell you that I fell at least three or four times a day but only a few of my 'eating shit' moments were actually caught on camera. I mean I don't understand it because when it comes time for a daily challenge I could stay balanced, I could run relatively well without failing over my own feet, I could swim, I could do most things but when it comes to normal everyday life I'm a clumsy mess," I said while laughing about how clumsy I actually was. "Lolo it was weird because when we were first picking rookies and I called her out to be my rookie she stumbled over her own feet on her way to me and almost fell. At that point I was worried were about to be making an early exit because I picked a partner that isn't as good as her stats made her seem. Man was I glad I was wrong by her stats. I mean how many people are junior Olympic athletes in gymnastics but yet walk four steps and trip over thin air. Little one is definitely a rare bread of something. But don't let her kindness and clumsiness fool you girl knows how to play and girl knows how to be a beast when it comes to challenges," CT said which caused everyone to laugh as I smacked CT but he raised his shoulders into a shrug being like what'd you expect me to say. "So Katalina you seemed to be the target of a lot of the rookies this season. Why in the world could you not get along with the rookies the way that you got along with the veteran squad," Lolo asked to which I looked around and then pointed over at Rylan and Parker. "Once there was an issue with Rylan and Parker then most of the rookies decided that they wouldn't like me or wouldn't associate with me. I think I got along well with the veterans because my veteran was friends with them but I could also have real conversation about non-game related things with them. I really wish that it didn't shake out the way it did. I mean I've talked to most the rookies since leaving filming and we all seem quite well. I mean my girl Allyson came to surprise me last night as part of the surprise party and so did some of the rookie guys and a few other rookie females. I guess I didn't have as mush footing with the rookies because it was my team that constantly had to throw people in and the rookies were being thrown in because of their veteran quite often. Like Madeline, and Suzanne got thrown in for being partners with Corey and Nelson which isn't the nicest thing to do but it was a game. I've since talked to them and we are actually really chill. So like with the whole Parker and I situation we sat down and talked about it and discussed how the best way to handle it and now Parker and I are close and talk almost everyday and sometimes twice a day. It's weird going into a season labeled a rookie because then all other rookies believe you had to ban together but that wasn't the objective of this season. The objective was the veteran/rookie combo had to make it to the finals, so I had to adjust my game plan. The rookies all talked at our training camp and we said something along the lines of stick together the best we can which went straight out the window when TJ told us how this challenge was about to take place. It definitely has been a fun and interesting ride and I've made some amazing relationships with these people that I know will last," I said which got a round of applause. "So you see as Kat just said. Her and I were at each others throats a lot during the season because I was being immature and insecure and not talking to people about my problems. Since we wrapped filming and I got her number Kat and I talk all the time. I mean I will facetime her about my outfit choices for going out about any little insignificant thing that happens or send her about seven memes in a row because they made me think of her. It really goes to show how what is shown versus how relationships form really makes me made. So as of right now Kat and I are cool and she really doesn't deserve the nastiness that happened to her from myself and others on this season. Also you twitter whores that keep attacking her for being a strong determined female on the challenge and criticizing her for the moves she made go somewhere else. Kat doesn't deserve death threats because of the way she played the game and how much of a boss ass bitch she was. This girl finished one of the hardest finals with four broken bones and then still was ready to keep going if she needed to just so that she didn't quit on CT. Like put some damn respect to her name," Parker said which got a bunch of claps. "I mean I have been called one of the best females to play this game and I believe Katalina played this game more flawlessly than I have ever played this game. Nobody thought they were her enemy until after they were eliminated or on the backyard floor. She was often so kind to everyone that you didn't know if she had any problems with you. The only people she openly said she wasn't fond of how they approached situations were Parker and myself and we have all three been good friends since leaving filming," Laurel said which got some claps as well. "From what I've seen of Katalina she has the biggest balls of anybody on this cast. She gave no care for her own regard, gave every challenge her all, and she made sure everyone knew how she was feeling about situations going on in the house. She was the one to make the calls in the partnership of her and CT and that started day one when she looked at CT and said Devin is protected and staying here or I make sure we go home. She knew she had the control after that statement and then she just kept playing her mental and strategic game that put some of us veterans games to shame. She made herself strong with all negative things that were thrown her way. Like bitch might be superwoman at this point or some type of super hero because nobody can be that calm when the world around them is going to shit," Nelson said while getting a lot of claps as well. "So it seems you actually do have friends from this season it was just during filming people didn't like you because of your game play. Was it because you had a good game play or was it because your game play was all over the place," Lolo questioned and before I could answer Bananas started talking. "Let's be real this 'rookie' was not an actual rookie. This girl came in and we all thought she was too sweet and didn't know what she was getting herself in for. Then we see her start to compete and we hear her make plans because people had crossed her. Girl had never seen the challenge before only heard about it from Tony because he was on a few seasons and told her to try. This girl made absolute mental and psychological power moves throughout filming that most of us didn't know where her plans until later after wrapping we all talked to CT while she was in the hospital due to breaking shit that she had made a game plan and stuck to it the entire season. CT even told us about a conversation between the two of them that wasn't caught on tape but he remember vividly Katalina's voice saying that the challenge wasn't ready for her and she would make it to the final without anything phasing her really. This was on day 1 when CT first met her and was getting to know and understand her. Let's give credit to where credit is due. She made the veterans of many season look like they were the rookies with the quickfire strong minded decision she made and they way she handled situations and backlash from each decision that was made. Katalina may have been a rookie to the challenge but she played the game like a veteran and a champion," Bananas said which got everyone clapping and me just sitting there smiling. "Well thanks Bananas I mean I just played the game by following my normal everyday instincts and trusting what my gut told me to do in the situations. I didn't always make the easy choice for our team but I know that me making the harder choices put us in the position we are today as a top two team from this season. I mean I physically and mentally worked my ass off to get my team to that final. You can ask CT I was hesitant at some times because I thought I should include him in every decision but when we talked and he was like do what you think we need to get to the final and I'll ride with you for every decision I knew that we were in a good spot and that our team trust was going to get us to that final. I did what it took to get us to that final and to bring the friends I had made along with me to the final. Now did some people get cut along the way yes, and I'm sorry about that happening to them. Did some people jump on game grenades to make sure that my plans kept going the way I wanted them to, absolutely and I'm sorry about that as well. But keep in mind this was all a game. I knew that I had to think of what I wanted as an outcome and I had to figure out how to get to where I wanted. Did some people get manipulated and stepped on on the way yes, am I sorry about that absolutely. Will I ever apologize for how I made my way through the game, no. Will I apologize to those caught in the cross fire, yes. Does that make me a bad person, probably. Does it stop my world knowing people disagree with how I played this game, nope. Will other people still get annoyed to this day that I didn't engage in the fights or encourage the bad behavior that usually happens on the challenge, yes. Do I care that people don't like me because of how I was portrayed and how I actually am as a real person seem very different, not at all. I'm me and I played the game the best way I knew how. Some people don't agree with what I did but I never once made a deal that I didn't keep. I made a deal with Devin day to take him as far as I could get him and told him I'd get CT on board. I got CT on board and Devin made it to the final on his own by being one of the winning teams that advanced to the final. I didn't do anything that I wouldn't change. So I guess I may have been a rookie but I didn't play a rookies game," I said which got some applause from the audience and from the stage as well. "See this was the problem nobody ever said to her that she wasn't the main cast member and that she didn't need to act out to get the attention she wanted. She put on a facade when the cameras came around sometimes just to make sure people thought she was 'tough' when she is actually a really sweet person," Sophalina said to which I nodded in agreeance before someone else cut her off. "Wait a minute, that is your take on her Sophalina. Everyone else saw the same person when cameras were rolling versus when they weren't rolling. Is she a sarcastic, sass, asshole, absolutely. But does she change her personality when the cameras come around, absolutely not. Sophalina you were always only around her during the fights and the daily challenges and elimination when the cameras were rolling and she was in game mode. You can't expect to know the person behind the game if you don't talk to them when cameras aren't rolling. If you did then you'd know she can make anyone laugh with one sentence out of her mouth. She can be the nicest or meanest person in the world whether you are her friend or not. She always is blunt, honest, and sometimes a rude asshole but it's because she cares about people. She never once tried to throw anyone under the bus who hadn't already chucked her under the bus first. She didn't want to play the game maliciously and she was worried about being perceived as malicious when I first talked to her after filming. So before you start making accusations about someone being fake talk to them when cameras aren't rolling first," Cara Maria said which made me look over at her and her smile at me. "So as we can see Katalina has gotten a lot of love from the veterans not as much love from the rookies but she was definitely someone to watch out for during this season. Either way we've got the winners announcement coming up after we talk about the relationship between none other than Katalina and our veteran Devin," Lolo said causing the crowd to go crazy. "So Katalina and Devin you guys still just friends or are we talking labels now and making things official. We saw how you guys were throughout the season and we just need to know are you dating or what is going on," Lolo said as I looked over at Devin and nod for him to start. "Well Lolo, sorry to disappoint you but for now Princess and I are just really really good friends. We have talked about hanging out here in the states some after we wrap filming but she has also said that to like half the cast so we will see what happens," Devin said before looking at me and me knowing damn well he was trying to make it seem more low key than he was. I just shook my head and made a laugh which caught some attention. I clocked Devin's eyes before raising my eyebrow causing him to laugh and then I decided to speak. "Dev, you are a shitty liar and you knew that before you even started answering that damn question. I have no clue if it was caught on film and is getting aired but Devin asked me to go on an actual date once we got back to the states. Obviously everything got really delayed because I'm a clumsy person who was hospitalized for a fairly decent stretch of time. However, I was promised a date sir, so I at least get one date before he decides I'm too much of a pain in the ass to deal with," I said which go the crowd going and a lot of people on stage laughing along with me. "Oh, Devin you tried to play it off as low key and Katalina just flipped that right back on you to make you look silly. Does that normally happen," Lolo asked and before Devin could answer most of the cast screamed out yes which made us all laugh. "Katalina has the powers to make anyone look silly so just be careful with what you say around here," CT said which caused most of the stage to laugh again. "Well this reunion has been an interesting one. Who's ready to find out the winners of The Challenge: Fresh Meat 3," Lolo said as she pulled her card out to get ready to read it and everyone cheered. "Alright so our second place team finished in 3 hours 27 minutes and 33 seconds and our first place team finished in 3 hours 10 minutes and 22 seconds. So in second place we have Devin and Allyson meaning this years winners of the challenge are CT and Katalina. How does it feel to be a winner," Lolo asked. "I mean it's wonderful but I'm pretty sure my winnings will be paying off these damn hospital bills, let's be real," I said causing everyone to laugh as the cameras stopped rolling and we were officially done with the reunion. "CT we did it we won even with my brokenness," I said happily to him. "Of course we were going to win you are strong and determined to never get second best might as well clear the path for you to become one of the best female challengers to ever play this game," CT said but then stopped and I was being turned around and brought into a kiss by Devin. I was confused at first but then kissed him back before pulling away. "What was that for Dev," I asked confused. "Because you deserved it and I owe you one damn good date after this," Devin said which made me smile and laugh before more of my friends came over to talk to me and some of the people I rarely talk to made their way over to me as well. The only person to not come talk to me was Rylan. "Hey bitch, no that you are out of the hospital and a free woman can we go grab drinks at the bar and do our bar hopping night," Parker said as she came up and hugged me and I smiled and laughed while nodding my head. "Since we are in my home town in anyone wants to go bar hopping with us and then crash at my place you are more than welcome and we can have a big ass sleepover," I said which made the cast cheer before we all started to head out and Devin walked next to me as we approached the curb to make sure I didn't fall like usual. What can I say this challenge may have been my first and I may have gotten banged up and some bruises but it was all worth it for the friends I've made, the relationships I built and of course finding Devin helped a little bit. I just can't wait until I'm medically able to come back to the challenge and no longer be a rookie to show them how I really play when I don't have a teammate to depend on.

The Challenge: Fresh Meat 3Where stories live. Discover now