Chapter 4: Night Challenges

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"Welcome back challengers. It's time for our second daily challenge. Todays challenge is called Hanging Around. Now this is a throwback to the olden challenge days. Today the male partner will be holding their female partner off the edge of the building. This challenge is always a favorite one for the challenge fans since so many of our challengers are afraid of heights. The team that holds on the longest will be our winners. The team that lets go first will be our losers and straight into elimination. Now you don't want to be the last place team. Shot for the first place team. Now we are going to be going in two heats. CT and Katalina as last weeks winners you will be splitting the two groups up," TJ said which caused CT and I to split the teams into two groups. "Alright first group is: Hunter and Carter, Corey and Suzanna, Evelynn and Rylan, Kacey and Harden, Kellyanne and Joshua, Tori and Colton, and Kam and Cody. Now take your places and let's see what happens," TJ said. As the first group was getting situated up in their harnesses I noticed that our second group was us, Devin and Parker, Bananas and Allyson, Derek and Louisa, Wes and Sophalina, Cara Maria and Blake, Aneesa and Ashton, and Laurel and Austin. So everyone that is CT friends plus he spared Devin for me and put him in the second group. We were all standing there getting into our harnesses since the other group only had Kellyanne, Hunter and Corey still up there and going. Corey was looking like he was about to lose Suzanna and Hunter was looking strong but Carter also weighs like 100 pounds soaking wet though. Kellyanne was willing Joshua to hold on even though I can see it in his face. He's about to drop her. I was pulled out of my thoughts when I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Hey, I wanted to check in and see how you are feeling about todays challenge. I remember you saying heights weren't really your thing so I wanted to make sure you weren't panicking over that. Also wanted to remind you that you will be harnessed up so there is no possible way for you to actually get hurt and CT probably won't let you go unless he absolutely has to," Devin said while smiling at me.

"I know I'm not too worried about being up there as of right now because I can't see how high it'll be. I'll panic more when I actually get up there. So, if we happened to fall before you guys or you hold up Parker like no other since she's a little human being will you keep us safe," I said hopefully while looking away from him so he can't see my scared look.

"Hey princess, you made sure it wasn't my ass on the line last week. You made sure that your partner and I could get to a mutual understanding. You are going to be safe with me no matter what. I don't want you to worry about that. All I want is for you to make sure you aren't the first group out so that you won't be a possibility to go straight into elimination," Devin said as he pulled me into a hug. "I've got you and CT has got you. Trust us and you will be fine," he said as he kissed my forehead and then let me go because CT approached us.

"Hey little one, are you okay," CT asked me as Devin nods at me and walks over to his partner Parker. I smiled and nodded at him and then he hugged me. "I know you don't like heights. Just look at me or close your eyes and it'll be over quickly. I don't want you to worry about anything. I don't plan on letting you go," CT said to me which made me feel better. TJ had just announced that Hunter won the first round and that Evelynn's group was the first down and their times would be the ones we have to beat. We walked up to the lift and got on and the lift started moving which started to scare me. I couldn't help but looking down and seeing how far up we were which was a bigger mistake. I then looked around with sheer panic in my eyes and made eye contact with Devin who was behind CT. He smiled at me and put his hands up and took a deep breath to remind me to take a breath. I took a deep breath before looking at CT. "You'll be okay. I promise you that I won't drop you," CT said which made me smile. We were all harnessed up and then hung us over the edge and CT grabbed my hands tightly. I realized now that Devin and Parker were right next to us. I just closed my eyes are TJ blasted the horn and I could feel the base we were standing on move out from under us. I was ready to panic and could feel my hands start sweating. I heard someone scream and heard TJ say that Cara Maria, Bananas, and Wes are all already out. My eyes were still closed because I was panicking and then I hear CT say. "I'm starting to lose grip on you. I don't want you to panic and I don't want you to wiggle around to try and fix it. I want to hold you up just a little bit longer. There is only us, Devin and Parker and Derek and Louisa left. I will try and outlast Derek and then hope that Devin and Parker will have a longer time than Hunter and Carter. I promise you are safe if I let go though," CT said to me which caused me to open my eyes and look straight into CT's eyes. Before I knew it I was flying and I couldn't scream because I was in a panic state and then the next thing I know I'm crashing into something. Before I opened my eyes I heard people screaming up above me.

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