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So it's been two years since I was on Fresh Meat 3. Since finishing my season of the challenge I have been practicing law at home here in Baton Rouge. I've stayed in contact with everyone from my season and have been going through life. I'm headed home from the office now for end of my workday. I walked into my house, which was my parents before my father gave it to me before he moved into my grandparents house to take care of them. "Hey princess, how was work today," I heard my loving boyfriend ask me as I put down my keys and put my briefcase and purse by the door.

"Hello Dev, it was a good day today. I got a call from CT about coming up to see them for a weekend sometime soon. I haven't heard from my father today so hopefully that's a good thing. What are we going to do for dinner," I asked as I kept walking towards the kitchen to see Devin already in the kitchen with food. I was very confused but smiled as I went towards the table and sat down with Devin to eat dinner that he had prepared.

"So we've been together for a little bit less than 2 years; however, I want us to be together for longer than just two years. I want us to be together for forever. I love you so much Katalina Carrabelle Romano. Will you do me the honor of marrying me and making me the happiest man in the world," Devin said as got down on one knee and pulled out a ring. I looked at him with utter shock and utter confusion. I just covered my mouth smiled and nodded. He reached forward and put the ring on my finger and then brought my face to his and kissed me. I smiled into the kiss and then pulled away to look at him.

"Oh my god. We are getting married I have to call my father and tell him and then I have to call CT, Parker and Derrek about it," I said really excited before standing up to run to find my phone before I could grab it Devin grabbed my hand and pulled me towards our backyard to reveal all of my real family, and my challenge friends and family. I just looked at him and smiled before leaning up and kissing him on the cheek and going outside with his hand in my own.

"She said yes," Devin yelled which got everyone cheering and then people coming up and hugging me tightly. CT, Derrek and Bananas all three hugged me tightly.

"See I told you he was a good guy," CT said which caused me to leave the hug and punch him in the arm while everyone laughed.

"Congrats," I hear my best friend yell as she practically tackles me to the ground. I turned and hugged her with the biggest smile on my face.

"Hey Parker, did you know that he was going to propose or how did he get this all together," I asked her as she looked at me.

"Devin called us about two months ago and started getting all the flight information together so that we could get here before you got off work today. He has been planning this for a while and he's had that ring for so long. I remember when he sent me the pictures of the ring he chose and I was like I need to fly to Baton Rouge and he was like no not yet. He bought that ring over a year ago. Let's be real he's been in love with you since you guys started dating after Fresh Meat. He had his job transfer him down here so that he could be closer to you. Then when he went on the challenge and all these models where around him while I was there with him he didn't even talk to them about anything but you. I knew how much you guys loved each other early on. I'm so happy for you guys and I can't believe that my best friend is about to get married. Now before I hog your time I see a big brother of yours that wants his hug," Parker said as I looked over my shoulder to see Tony standing in the doorway with his water in hand and Alyssa next to him. I nodded to Parker and hugged her again before heading over to Tony.

"Hello butterfly. I can't believe you said yes to the dweeb that has been head over heels for you since what December when y'all meet in June. Like you guys were official and in love in the first 6 months of meeting each other. But in all seriousness you guys deserve each other and to be happy," Tony joked with me before pulling me into a hug and kissing my forehead. I was released from a hug and pushed slightly backwards off the ledge of the patio and caught by someone.

The Challenge: Fresh Meat 3Where stories live. Discover now