you're embalmed in sugar june happiness and brut rose wine today. swollen-hearted jester with a smeared crooked grin. you're a sweetheart swathed in a yarn of blues and meadow grass after bleeding salt from your eyes. rumpled bedsheet cocaine and a midnight lavender scent shift in your acidic roots when you flutter your youth of honey-tainted desire.
i know my baby is one day sober from drunken suicide on slow sundays. do you know that lovely poetry on your face is the only faith i'll ever bend over for?
the stars are as bright as my baby. but even the mighty gods and moonlight particles in your nostrils hold still when tremors shake your bad girl euphoria. the shivering of your tips brings judgment on earth and god i'll let any heavenly judgment taint me foolish if it means i get to be with you / be you.
your celestial grace is woven across inches of my skull and i let it pump through me like blood but i don't wear it like skin because you like to keep this part hidden in a cocoon of cold bad days either for me or yourself i don't know.
but i'll hold it close anyway.
i'll keep it in the deepest soles of your room of blacked-out silhouettes and ecstasy hours. where everything is soft and gray and sappy. where the world won't wait to see. where you'll be my forever baby.