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I opened my eyes to the soft sunlight peeking through a small window planted up high on the far wall. It illuminated the small room I was in that only contained myself and a cart filled with an assortment of bottles that held a red substance.

Trying my best to stay calm I remember what had happened hours earlier.

I tried to escape, but I guess that didn't work out so well, given that I was sitting in a new wooden chair with my hands bound behind my back and each of my ankles tied to their own leg of a chair.

I stay there for a few minutes and I take notice of the background sounds coming from out of the window: it sounded like the barracks of HQ, filled with the deep voices and high chuckles of soldiers and cadets alike. Taken by how the sunlight was still peeking through the small window of the room, I would say it was midday.

Even more time had passed right before the door opened, breaking me out of my plans on how to escape and get back to my family.

The scruffy blonde-haired man peeked his head through the doorway, and once his gray eyes met my awake, narrowed ones, he walked through- Reiner and the black-haired girl right behind him.

As the girl, who looked about my age, passed by the window, my heart clenched and I saw Mikasa standing before me for a moment; her hair being so similar to my friend at that one instant.

"Sleep well?" The young man with glasses asked.

I stay silent.

"So, right now-" I cut the man off and looked towards Reiner, ignoring the man completely.

"Why haven't you killed me?" I asked Reiner with a cold face.

He stays silent at my question and looks away guiltily. I scoff at him. At least own up to all of this...

"Y/n L/n," the blondie with glasses said to me, gaining my attention. "You are here to change the world," he says dramatically, but I don't think my laughing at him was the reaction he was expecting.

I let out a cackling laugh again and lean my head to the side. "Are- Are you shitting me right now? 'Change the world'?! Well, new's flash blondie you can't do anything to change this hellhole," I scoffed out with a wide, crazed smile.

The blonde man looked at me with an annoyed and offended look as he stalked closer to me.

"Zeke," Reiner said in a warning tone. Ah, so that was blondie's name.

What about the hottie over there? I look towards the dark-haired girl who looked away from my gaze and to the wall.

"Zeke" was a foot away from me now, his hands on either side of my head as he placed them on the back of the chair.

I looked up at Zeke with a waiting smile as he just grumbled incoherent words under his breath and backed away from me.

"Pieck," Zeke said. The dark-haired girl, or "Pieck" now, walked towards the cart and rolled it up to the blonde man. "Thank you," he said softly and turned back towards me.

"Y/n, do you know what you are?" He asked. I stare at him confusedly.

"A human?" I say though it comes out as more of a question.

"Not really," Zeke said curtly without any hesitation.


"Y/n you are a titan now. We took you from Paradise Island, gave you the titan serum, and the serum of the Mind Titan. If you were to transform, you'd be able to control as many titans as you pleased, ten times the amount you could as a human," he stopped at my shocked face that he even knew of my ability. "Yes, we know all about your special talent's dear, but for right now, it would be useless to transform, so don't even think about it.."

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