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I felt the rumble of the train from underneath me as I sat next to Reiner with all the other generals and Warriors. His arm was slung over my shoulder and my hip was placed right beside his.

My eyes were closed and my head rested on his broad shoulder, trying to get a good few hours of sleep before we got back home, but the shouts from the train car behind us halted that plan.

"Yeah!" Great bellows of cheers sounded from the car, making me sit upright in my seat. Were they... Were they getting drunk without me?!

"Yeah! Yeah!" More screams echoed from the car and I stood up this time, making Reiner's arm fall into the seat next to him. He stared up at me with a look that told me to stay put, but I didn't listen.

A wild smirk placed itself onto my face as I hopped over the table that stood between Reiner and I's seat and Pieck and Porco's with ease; my feet landed on the ground smoothly and I made a beeline toward the door.

Reiner followed after me, his large body blocking me from the one soldier who tried to stop us, but thankfully Magath spoke up.

"No, let them go. Let them have it for one night." I didn't waste any time to thank the commander as my body already made itself out of the cabin and towards the connecting room that led to where the rest of the Eldian unit was.

I slammed the door open to see everyone hollering and yelling, their cheeks flushed from the effects of the alcohol in their hands, but at the sound of the door opening, they all went silent and turned to me, not even looking at Reiner who was still behind my body.

"W-Warrior Dalton," one of the soldiers whispered and bowed his head. I just waved my hand with a smile, but then I realized I still had my mask on.

Without any hesitation, I ripped the white cloth right off of my face. Reiner went to shield me from everyone's gaze since only Zeke could tell me when I was allowed to remove my face covering, but there were no enemies in here, so why fucking not.

It went deadly silent in the train car when everyone held their first look to my face. Their eyes trailed over my features and over the gray marks to my temples.

I swear I saw a soldier or two blush when my eyes met theirs.

I threw my mask in the air, causing Reiner to catch it before it fell, and held up my fists in the air.

"Let's get fucking wasted!" I screamed out and snatched a bottle of booze from a random soldier. It was silent for one millisecond, but then the room erupted in cheers. My eyes scanned the room until they landed on Gabi and the others, but my eyes narrowed when I saw Gabi on Colt's shoulders.

"Oi! " I yelled out. "That's my little demon, Colt!" I ripped Gabi off of Colt's shoulders and placed her on mine and carried her around the room as everyone chanted her name, a sense of pride flaring inside of me at the sight.

Gabi was the future for Marley, and I and the others would be the stepping stools that would help her reach her great destiny in the future.

"Gabi! Gabi! Gabi!" Everyone chanted the little girl's name until they were too shitfaced to do otherwise, and in one hour, I was one of the shitfaced.

"But Reiner~," I whined out with wide, innocent eyes as I gazed up at my boyfriend who refused to look at me.

"I said no," he said firmly with a shake of his head, but his tight grip on my body to let it not fall, remained firm.

"Why not!" I yelled out, my words slurring from the extreme amount of alcohol in my system.

"Because there are people here!" He hissed out, but his face softened as I neared closer to him, my face inches away from his.

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