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𝐫𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐫'𝐬 𝐩𝐨𝐯

It happened again. And I should've known as soon as I saw my nephew. I haven't seen him in what feels like ages, but now, I saw how he's grown up to look like a spitting image of Marco. The boy that we killed. That I killed.

I still think about him. How he deserved better; how we deserved better. But I can't anymore. My focus right now is on Y/n.

It always has to be on her.

Ever since her memory wiping, I was instructed to pay close attention to her, never leave her side in case things went wrong and she suddenly remembered, but along the way, I fell in love with her.

I knew it was wrong, but she became a new person, but she was also the same. I couldn't help it. She took my heart and made it hers. She ruined me now and forevermore.

So it wasn't my duty right now of why I held her in my arms, but unconditional love. I carried her in my arms to the infirmary after another one of her Attacks as we liked to call them.

Whenever Y/n, or Nova, sees something similar to what she knew in paradise, whether it be a familiar face, like Marco, or a cravat or some object with a meaning behind it, she'll lose it. It rarely happens, but when it does, it's bad.

She'll scream or gasp silently in pain; she'll crouch on the floor, her arms wrapping herself into a ball, or she'll shudder on the ground, her body sprawled out on the floor, shaking with tremors.

She'll switch into her different lives, not knowing if she was Nova or Y/n, not knowing if she was in Paradise or Marley. Every time, she would remember who she was before, but then she wholly forgot, returning back to Nova Dalton, my girlfriend, and most trusted confidant.

So as I held her in my arms, cradling her body to my chest, her head resting softly on it, I gazed at her with love. I loved her.

I loved her, but I knew she didn't love me back as much. I knew, that she was using me in a way, unconsciously, of course, to fill that gaping hole Eren used to occupy. But I didn't care. I made her happy, and I've always wanted her to be happy.

And I would do anything to protect her, and right now that was to keep her as Nova Dalton. That was the only way she would survive now. It's too late to get her memories back; what was done is done.


But, I never made sure to cross any lines. I never slept with her, only kissed her a few times. I hugged her and comforted her when she had visions of people and monsters she didn't know. I was there for her for every nightmare she had.

"Y'all can go on home now with your families, I got it from here," Nurse Harmon said as she covered Nova's body with blankets. I lifted my head, the woman's voice breaking me out of my thoughts. I nodded, but I didn't leave.

Neither did Porco.

I only watched as he walked up to his best friend and lightly took off her mask, letting it not conceal her face any longer. Her (s/c) skin shined under the candlelight, the natural light from outside doing no justice as it began to grow dark out.

"That's is the second time this month," Porco muttered as he sat in the chair beside me. My hand clutched onto Nova's tighter. "It's a new record."

I seriously don't know if he was trying to make a joke or not.

Usually, when Porco spoke to me, he held hostility in his tone, or indifference, but he dialed it down by a hundred whenever Nova was around.

This girl truly had a great effect on the people around her.

𝗔𝗡𝗢𝗧𝗛𝗘𝗥 𝗟𝗢𝗩𝗘| 𝙀. 𝙔𝙀𝘼𝙂𝙀𝙍Where stories live. Discover now