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"What the fuck do you mean she doesn't remember us?!" Levi uncharacteristically shouted as all the Scouts from Paradise Island crowded around an unbothered Zeke. Nova Dalton was in the other room, fully knocked out and unconscious.

Eren sat behind the group, his hands tightened into fists to stop their shaking. He was both mad at himself and Floch. The auburn-headed boy had no right to knock Y/n unconscious like he did, even if it was for the sake of saving Eren who was clearly about to be killed by the raging girl.

But Eren was disappointed in himself for almost giving Y/n her memories back. He promised himself many times that he wouldn't until the time was right, but just being in her presence was enough to undo his vows.

Zeke quieted in the room and Eren hunched over in his seat, his handcuffed hands blocking his ears from hearing the monstrosities of what happened to his girl again.

The first time he heard of what happened, in full detail that his visions didn't provide, Eren nearly lost it; he beat Zeke bloody senseless, and after doing that, he rushed to rain hellfire upon the people that did that to her. But he stopped himself at the last moment.

Like it or not, and it pained him to even think this, but he knew his actions full of revenge and hatred would do nothing for what would happen in the near future.

So, as his brother began to speak, Eren covered his ears and shut the world out once again.

Zeke cleared his throat and looked away from the pack of people who looked as if they were seconds away from killing him, and maybe they would once they learned what happened to their friend that they thought was dead.

"I... " Zeke cleared his throat once more and looked the group in the eyes, no regret in his words. "Pieck and I came back inside the walls days after the battle, and Pieck swiped out the bodies. We stole Y/n's and replaced it with another one. The urn that you two received," Zeke looked towards Hanji and Levi who looked appalled, "was not your daughter's."

It was silent in the room, and it took all of the soldiers' strength not to lash out. They still wanted to hear the full story before they bashed out Zeke's teeth.

Zeke continued with his confessions. "We took her to Marley. She fought back. Hard. But... But we carried on with our initial plans. We made her drink my spinal fluid, hoping it would have an effect on her to make her forget her old life, but it didn't work." Zeke inhaled and finally looked away from the penetrating gazes of the group, especially Levi and Hanji's enraged and burning ones.

"So we had to have a specialist come in, one who practiced a sort of treatment for soldiers with PTSD to remove those traumatic memories. We call it ECA: Electric Shock Amnesia." Zeke paused and everyone leaned forward in anticipation, but as if knowing where this was going, Mikasa paled.

"Dr. Clover had a contraption that compressed electricity- what makes lightning- and had two metal pieces to press against her temple." The others were confused, not knowing the full aspect of electricity, but Mikasa straightened up. She knew of this electric power from the Oriental Clan and of their words about the world outside of the walls.

"The marks on her temples," the black-haired girl started to say as everyones' attention snapped to her. Their stomachs churned at the devastated look on her face. "That's what it did, didn't it?!"

Zeke nodded as heads whipped back to him. He looked to the ground. "Since she was part of Ymir's bloodline, hence why she can do the things she was able to before, we knew we could go as far as we wanted with her. So Dr. Clover did not hold back."

Jean and Connie's faces darkened as Armin covered his face with his hands. Mikasa stood, her glare burning onto Zeke's face.

"I still hear her screams sometimes. I thought her vocal cords would be ruined forever, but she kept saying all of your names. 'Eren, Levi, Hanji, Mikasa, Armin, Connie, Jean, Sasha'," Zeke said and everyone's expression fell at the mentioning of Sasha's name.

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