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𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐨𝐧𝐞

A shriek of pain escaped my lips and I arched my back rigidly in Jean's arms, my bones feeling as if they were on fire.

"N-Nova?!" Jean exclaimed, trying to keep my wriggling body safe in his grasp. A second later we landed safely on the ground, but my bucking was too forceful and I ended up in the dirt, the pavement digging into my cheek as my mask ripped clean off my face.

"What the hell did you do?!" Connie yelled at Jean as I saw him crouch beside me. No one else was around; it was only us on the training course.

"Nothing! I saved her! I..." The rest of their conversation faded away as my vision started to darken.

Another piercing pain came from my shoulder as if I just dislocated it... which would be impossible... right?

"Shit, okay, Nova, what's wrong?" Jean semi-yelled as I rolled on the ground, pressing my face to the ground.

"My arm," I croaked out with a grumbling moan of discomfort. "It- It hurts," I gasp.

"What?" Jean trailed off, confused in his tone. "But, how is that even possible?!"

My vision swam, and then I was somewhere else.

"Y/n! Y/n, are you okay! Jean, what the hell did you do?!" A voice spoke. My eyes were closed like they couldn't force themselves open to see Eren.


"Nothing! I didn't do anything, the hell?!"

"Well, clearly you did! Otherwise..." I stopped listening to them as I lost consciousness completely.

"Did she just say Eren?' I heard Connie say as I turned to lay on my side.

"The wooden cut-out!" I gasped out again, head reeling from the memory. I saw Jean's face pale from beside me, eyes going wide.

"You remember that?" He whispered in a deathly quiet voice. A thousand different thoughts were spinning in my head.

My breathing started to pick up, and then Jean gripped my shoulders in his hands, the pain from my shoulder fading away. "Nova! How do you know about that?"

Jean. Jean.

A boy with ash-brown hair walked up to us, a cocky smirk placed on his lips. "Oi, Springer, stop harassing the girl!" Jean said to the boy right beside me.

Connie. A bald-headed boy was next to me. Hazel eyes that looked yellow in the light.

Jean and Connie. My first friends in the 104th Cadet Corps.

"Jean," I gasp, clutching onto his forearm. The boy before me kneeled on the ground, still as a statue. His eyes glimmered with oncoming tears.

"Um, and Connie! I'm here too, ya' know," the hazel-eyes boy said with a frown as he surveyed me and Jean with a confused expression. "I know you're like crazy and all, but what the hell was that-"

"Connie!" I exclaimed, interrupting the boy- no, interrupting the man before me. He and Jean were so grown up now. "Oh, Connie," I said with a cracked voice.

I rose to my feet, as did Jean as his body started to shake with emotion.

"Y/n?" Jean whispered, and Connie stood still in shock. My eyes watered as my shoulders sagged.

"Yes," I whispered. I am Y/n. Y/n Ackerman. I was born here. I was- No.

"Oh," Connie said as his eyes watered and a tear rolled down his face.

𝗔𝗡𝗢𝗧𝗛𝗘𝗥 𝗟𝗢𝗩𝗘| 𝙀. 𝙔𝙀𝘼𝙂𝙀𝙍Where stories live. Discover now