The duel

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Ron and Harry, sat outside in silence. The silence was nice, then all of a sudden music started to play ,really loudly, from the party. The boys looked at each other and got up, and danced. They danced like maniacs, they were having the time of their lives not giving a care in the world. The music changed and it was slow dance music. Ron hesitated to put his arms around Harry's waist, Harry took his arm and put around his waist for him. Then Harry put his arms around Ron's neck, the swayed to the music. Smiling a each other, their orbs looking into the others eyes. "So why are you outside?" Harry asked "Oh.. I was just wanted to catch up with you," Ron said smiling, he could tell Harry was confused "How are you and Ginny?" Ron asked trying to keep in his laughter. Harry realized what he was trying to say, he remembered that fateful summer night at the weasleys, it felt like an eternity since that night. "Were smooching all the time.." Harry said slowly "really?" Ron said almost whispering, at this point they stopped dancing. Ron was leaning his head towards Harry, they were so close.
The two boys, stepped back. Looking at the blond man with green eyes.
Draco hesitated to talk, it was awkward for a moment, then he finally spoke "I want to ask Harry out on a date." Draco said looking to his shiny black shoes. But both Harry and Ron were shook. "What the hell, you can't!" Ro. Said starting to protest.
"How could this be happening, I actually like Ron now! But I did this, so Draco could ask me out. Now he is... and I don't want him to ask me out as much anymore..." Harry thought as he looked up at the sky.
"Well I think that's up to Harry, no?" Draco said confidently, with a smirk on his face. Ron snapped his fingers in front of Harry's face to grabs his attention "Come on Harry! You can't break up with me for this," Ron looked him up and down, made a disgusted look with his face and continued " this... yucky person." Ron said, now clutching his wand next to his leg. Harry looked a Draco
"Them eyes tho" Harry thought
Then he looked at Ron
"But Ron's smile"
"It's either him or me, harry!" Ron said sounding desperate. Draco got a glimpse of Ron's wand, and got an idea" Well I've got an idea," Draco said, intriguing Harry "Ron and  shall duel for Harry, and whoever wins will get harry."
Harry blushed
"Fine." Ron said.
The blond and the red head , got in duelling positions. Harry was going to be the referee" 3,2,1 DUEL FOR MY LOVE!" Harry said smiling, but please loudly, some people started to watch.Ron was the first to act, it backfired since Draco used a spell to counter his attack, which made Ron go flying.
"OooOoooo" the crowd of people said
"Point to Draco! 1-0"
Ron got back up and very quickly acted first. Draco didn't expect that Ron was so fast, Draco was the one to go flying this time.
"Ouch" the crowd said.
"Ron won this one!1-1"
Draco got up, and focused. Ron was now super confident in himself. He jumped up, Draco looked at him, and was shook, because he had no idea that Ron could jump so high. As Ron was in the sky he screamed out a spell, and Draco went flying again.
"Omgggggg" the crowd was growing.
"Point goes to Ron!"
Ron kept on winning the rounds, both Draco and Harry were surprised by Ron's skills. When it was 2-4, Draco was down on his knees breathing slowly. He got up, he found his balance, breathed in on more time. And he ran towards Ron, pointed his wand towards him and yellow light left his wand. Ron lost that round and the next one.
The whole crowd had their mouths open. It was the craziest thing they saw all night.
They took and break and they ask harry "its a tie, we need to do a tie breaker." Ron looked at harry "of course." Harry said. After both boys finished their break, they got back to their respected spots.
"Ok Last round! 3,2,1 g-"
"What is the meaning of this?" Professor Mcgonagall said running towards the boys. "They're fighting for Harry's love, it's actually really interesting. I'm on Draco's team tho." A random Hufflepuff said. "Noooo RON IS BETTER!" a ravenclaw said. The crowd started to fight about who's team was better. "Draco is so hot tho!"
Professor Mcgonagall grew impatient "OK EVERYONE GO BACK TO THE DORMITORYS, EXCEPT FOR HARRY, RON, DRACO." Everyone grew quiet. "Wait but who is Harry gonna choose?" That hufflepuff kid said again. Professor Mcgonagall turned to the boys, that all the drama as about and ask "Well I kinda wanna know UwU." She said towards Harry. Harry stood there for a few seconds "" he didn't know what to say, it was a tie and the dueling was getting old. "Umm.... do I hear Voldemort? " Harry said thinking of something up on the spot "HEYYY BESTIESSSS" Voldemort said with a smile as he walked on the hogwarts grounds.
"BESTIE NOOOO" harry said.
"This is convenient but I'm about to pee my pants , I'm terrified." Harry thought.
Harry was going to need to fight Voldy, the drama could wait.

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