The final

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Harry saw light, the he flopped all the way to the ground. There was laughter in the background, a death eater went to check if Harry was actually dead and she saw he had a stone in his hand, the Resurrection Stone. The death eater spoke:

"He is dead."

She lied

"GaSp" Harry awoke in a bright room "Lol am i in heaven?" harry spoke aloud "Kinda." a voice spoke, Harry turned around to see his mother and father. Harry ran to them and gave them the biggest hug ever. "Oh my, Harry." Harrys mother looked into harrys eyes, tears welling up in her eyes "Ey champ." Harrys father looked at him with a smile. Everyone was smiling, they felt like a normal family. "Is Voldy gonna leave my friends alone?" Harry asked breaking the hug. Lily and James looked at each other "We don't know, but what you did was so brave." James told harry "Oh."harry looked down at his shoes"So my friends are gonna die? I died for nothing?" Harry said as a single tear rolled down his cheek. Harry's mom looked at Harry with the warmest smile " Oh sweetheart, of course not. We are so proud of you." Then, Harry's dad put his arm around his mother's shoulders, smiling at their son. Harry walked around "What am I supposed to do then?" His parents looked at him "You know exactly what to do." His mother came towards her son and kissed his forehead, hugged him and said"I love you." She smiled and stepped back slowly tears running down her face, his dad came up hugged him . "Good-bye son, I love you." Harry smiled, and they started to vanish" NO WAIT DONT LEAVE ME!" his parents vanished. Harry thought back on that stone it felt so familiar.

"Im gonna kill that voldy baldy, no nose, stinky, Mr Clean wannabe."

Right then and there, harry woke up in the arms of Hagrid. "oh i remember that guy." he thought. Voldemorts army walked up to the school, everyone was ready to fight expect for the Death eaters. Everyone on team Hogwarts, stood there as Voldemort walked up, smiling. He made a hand movement towards Hagrid, he came up. "Does everyone see this lifeless body?" Voldemort said with a chuckle 'Well, i killed the "chosen one"" Silence, a few gasps. "NOOO." Ron wanted to run up to Harry, but his father held him still. Same as Draco.

"Urm..I'm kinda alive." Harry said smiling awkwardly. Hagrid screamed and threw harry to the ground. 'Wow, thanks." harry got up and waved. Voldemort's mouth flew open. Ron ran to Harry and gave him a hug, and so did Draco. "AWWWWW" the crowd said in harmony.

"Wait." Voldemort said "Before I kill Harry, who do you choose?"

"I..I cant.. choose." Harry said looking down at his feet. "Oh really?" Voldemort said, with an evil smile"I do believe your lying." Draco shot up and said "He is not! He told me he could't choose. Harry would never lie!" Harry took Draco's arm and looked into his eyes " lied." Draco said, his bottom lip trembling. "SO YOU CHOOSE RON! OMG I KNEW HE WOULD WIN!!" Hagrid said dancing around. "Oh not quit,"Voldemort said, with his evil smile"Harry wants one of them..but who?" Voldemort said, mysteriously. Harry's jaw clenched, and Ron let go of Harry's arm. "Let's fight."

"Wait!" Nevill came running in with the sorting hat and reached inside it, he took out the sword of Gryffindor. Then he murdered Nagini "K bye." Nevill ran away while Voldemort screamed. "ALL HIS HORCRUXES HAVE BEEN DESTROYED!" Hermione said "FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!" Ginny said cheering.

Harry got his wand ready and so did Voldemort. They looked into each others orbs, both angry. At the same time Harry and Voldy said "AVADA KADAVRA" And "EXPELLIARMUS" Red and Green shot out of the wands, it was bright. Voldemort's spell was winning.

"No it was end like this."

Harry thought of all he's been through, he thought of his family, his friend, Ron and his stinky breath, and Draco's cologne. He closed his eyes and opened them again. Harry screamed, and pushed forward he was beating voldemort. Red was winning, Harry was winning. And then, Voldemort's wand flew out of his hand and he vanished. His ashes were everywhere. Everyone cheered, and cried. Hermione kissed Ginny, they were secretly dating this whole time. Ron and Draco finally came up to Harry "You beat him!" Draco said lifting Harry in the air "Yea you did." Ron said looking at harry and Draco. "You should be with Draco" Ron said smiling " i cant.." Ron looked at Harry 'i'll be fine, go to him." Harry hugged Ron, it took Ron a few seconds before putting his arms around Harry. Harry ran towards Draco, looked at him and smiled. They both knew what was going to happen.

They kissed.

It was passionate, but Harry felt off about it. He told Draco he was gonna be right back. Harry entered the school "Harry how could you kill voldy!" harry swung around and saw Dumboldore "I was sOOOOOoooo about to have my "enemies to lovers" arc. But whatever i guess." And he left, Harry stood there confused. But he continued to walk around the castle, until he found a room with a beautiful mirror.

"Mirror of Erised."

Harry looked down then back up again, he looked into the mirror. "Help me figure out who to chose, something feels off about Draco, and also Ron." Then harry saw what he truly wanted:

A fat ass.

The end


HEYYYY BESTIEEESSSSS!!! I FINISHED THIS FANFIC. this fanfic was for jokes, but i still hope yall enjoyed it. I will be writing a another fanfic but im gonna take a break for a week or so lol . come back if you wanna read the new fanfic or not idrc (but i do) DSJDoj[oqihapoduah. tell me your thoughts in the comments😩 k bye

-ya bestie

Mirror of Erised-harry x ronWhere stories live. Discover now